Beaver submitted a new resource: Windshield Washer Pump - Simple one-piece part to convert a washer pump into a compact 1/2 unit pump. Read more about this resource...
Way back in the early days of the hobby, we used to use window washer pumps, just changed the motor to a dumas motor since the original motor was only good for intermittent service.
This new pump is basically a printed version of my Mogador pump. Admittedly the motor is designed for intermittent use but in this application (a DD), it's been working great for two years battling. Pumping in a DD is intermittent by nature anyway. Another key factor, and one I highly recommend is running this pump off of a cheap 20A HK ESC. Even if not on a proportional channel, the ESC will offer a soft-start function which saves battery amps and wear on the pump. This pump is offered as a very compact and low cost option for the small boat battler. It's not meant to keep a hole ridden BB afloat for that second sortie.