
BeltDrive Rudders

BeltDrive Rudders
djranier, Feb 19, 2017
    • CURT
      OOHHH a pretty and shiny cool rudder setup. I like this.
    • Captain obvious
      What belt did you use and where did you find the rudder pulley?
      CURT likes this.
    • djranier
      notSoGnarly and CURT like this.
    • NASAAN101
      I really wonder if that would work in two light cruisers (Savannah and Dido) that have Single Rudders?
      CURT likes this.
    • GreyGhost
      whats the advantage of a belt rudder system vs a typical rod off a servo?
      CURT likes this.
    • Beaver
      @GreyGhost No bindage, linkage won't flex, easy to reset zero, multiple rudders are easy to set up, just to name a few...
      CURT likes this.
    • S-116
      How did you set up the servo to adjust the tension on the belt or replace the belt
      Love it will work great on my S-Boats with three rudders thanks
      CURT likes this.
    • Beaver
      @S-116 I believe it's built so the belt is tensioned when it's all assembled. To replace the belt, take the screw out of the top of the servo and pull off the pulley. Then you can remove the belt.
      CURT likes this.
    • S-116
      OK thanks.
      NASAAN101 and CURT like this.
    • NASAAN101
      hey guys,
      I currently have a Traxxas 2080 Waterproof Micro Servo setting in my carrier, but was goin to move that to the DD, but the servo is only about 0.352 ounces, and is about 5 x 0.38 x 3.13 inches. but the question is, can i or should i move that to the DD. i don't know how old the servo is in the DD currently. but the reason, i'm asking is, i tho about the belt drive that djranier used in one of his ship. and i was wondering if it would for the DD two?? but She's curretly set up with a ball chain drrve in her..
    • Paul G.
      That is a sweet set up.
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