All, I have been pushing to have our main battles for the year locked up by the end of January so people can get it on their calenders and we can avoid conflicts. So far this year it looks like our Spring meet with be the Armed Forces Battle May 19 and 20 at Coon Hunters in Newark and we're pushing to have the Conference August 3, 4 and 5 also at Coon Hunters. Buddy is trying to lock down the August date. As I said in an earlier post I think it would be good if we gave Tom a break from hosting our big ticket item meets out there. We're still going to have some there but they'll be either 1 or 2 day events. I know Scott, affectionately known as Duckie, is checking into ponds up by his new home in Indiana and several guys are checking out a pond in Versilles that Matt has access too. I will post these on the calender and if anyone else wants host a battle just place it in the calender and post where and when. Prior to the Armed Forces Battle I would like to have a 1 to 2 day meet in Xenia. This is so the new people and us veterans can get the bugs worked out of our ships and get the pumps certified and the speed knocked down prior to our first meet. Also we could have battles those days but the main focus of this is so our ships are ready to go so we're not messing with them until 12:30 then starting our first battle of the day. So as things look now: May 5 & 6 - Tune up meet at Tom's May 19 & 20 - Armed Forces Battle @ Coon Hunters August 3, 4 & 5 - Washington Treaty Conference @ Coon Hunters (?). Buddy will supply information on Coon Hunters soon. I saw pictures of this place and it looks like a great site. Thanks, Eric
Erik, I told mom, about Armed Forces Battle, that's a maybe as of right now! It's two weekends after IRC Spring Regionals! And I would like to take my LST down there and Show her off!!! And I'm Hoping to have her turned around for your battle two weeks after! Nikki
Eric, thanks for the work on this early in the year! Also, because of internet issues, I had to unsubscribe from the yahoo list as I could not keep up with the emails.(My Treaty inbox was at 308 unreads!) I would appreciate it you could continue to keep us up to date here. I will probably be running a non-aligned capital ship this year as my main boat with a Mogador or pre-dred later in the year if time and money allow.