A few questions for clarification.

Discussion in 'General' started by Sixth Doctor, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. Sixth Doctor

    Sixth Doctor New Member

    Dec 3, 2023
    Presently the US, soon elsewhere.
    Hi, everybody. For those I haven’t met yet: new guy. And maybe some silly questions. I wanted to seek clarification on an answer or two I received, and I have a couple of general questions to follow up. I’m not questioning any of the exceptional advice I’ve received here. Just want to understand it more fully.

    1. I’ve been advised the the combat version of any (most) carriers is a bad idea. I understand they have fewer guns, but why in general is this a bad idea?

    2. Ditto for a surface running sub - Surcouf, Argonaut, an I-400.

    3. I’ve seen a kit for the Borodino. It’s a Battler’s connection kit. Are they newbie friendly?

    4. Are turrets on ships typically motorized? Or are they positioned manually before sailing?

    Thank you again.

    - 6
  2. darkapollo

    darkapollo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2008
    Carlisle PA
    1. I’ve been advised the the combat version of any (most) carriers is a bad idea. I understand they have fewer guns, but why in general is this a bad idea?

    Big, heavy, slow, mostly unarmed. These are only good for convoy.

    2. Ditto for a surface running sub - Surcouf, Argonaut, an I-400.

    Opposite of a carrier. Tiny and light making building one a huge challenge for a novice builder.

    3. I’ve seen a kit for the Borodino. It’s a Battler’s connection kit. Are they newbie friendly?

    BC is.. well.. not a terribly reliable business any more. While they used to be the main supplier, over the past few years their reliability has diminished. The few orders Ive made have taken several weeks to months to arrive. And I was only ordering pumps and tanks and small items.
    Seriously check out the South Jersey Shipyard. Will has a whole line of beginner friendly kits. Plus he is very active on the forums.

    4. Are turrets on ships typically motorized? Or are they positioned manually before sailing?

    Big Gun, yes. Motorized.
    Fast Gun, not typically. They are normally locked in during the building process and not moved.
  3. bsgkid117

    bsgkid117 Vendor

    Feb 8, 2013
    I have never seen a Borodino, definitely not from BC, and the ship was never finished so it's not legal per IRCWCC rules...so 2x on why I've never seen one. (To clarify. The battlecruiser Borodino was never finished. The predreadnought Borodino is too old.)

    Carriers are not used in combat as they are huge vs their actual combat units. You can but your guns will be 6" off the surface of the water (mounted in the carrier's actual gun turrets), you will get at maximum 3.5 combat units for the largest carrier, and you'll be an absolutely astoundingly big target that is basically incapable of getting out of its own way. This is why we only use them as unarmed cargo ships during the Campaign game.

    Submarines are the inverse problem like @darkapollo said, the largest submarines are extremely small in the hobby. 1 cannon. Maybe a tiny micro pump.

    Ships can have rotates, provided they dont violate the cannon quadrant rules. However they are complicated and of minimal actual utility so the overwhelming majority of actually battling ships do not have them. The cannons are fixed in position.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2023
  4. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    The battleship is legal in big gun since it was laid down in 1900, not sure about the BC since it was never complete.

    That said, I don’t think I would recommend her. She’d be the slowest thing on the water. She’d have the thinnest armor and too small to realistically arm more than the two main turrets. I don’t think she’d be easy to make either, she’s smaller than some Monitor class ships.
  5. Sixth Doctor

    Sixth Doctor New Member

    Dec 3, 2023
    Presently the US, soon elsewhere.
    I clearly saw a Borodino class hull the day I posted this. Maybe it wasn't Battler's Connection, but it wasn't South Jersey.

    And wait, too old? I thought predreadnoughts were permitted?
  6. Sixth Doctor

    Sixth Doctor New Member

    Dec 3, 2023
    Presently the US, soon elsewhere.
    The Battleship Borodino? Or are you referring to the Battlecruiser. I'm speaking of the pre-dreadnought.
  7. Sixth Doctor

    Sixth Doctor New Member

    Dec 3, 2023
    Presently the US, soon elsewhere.
    And now of course I can't find the bloody thing.

    Unfortunate about BC. Very much like the SJS stuff, but an Austro-Hungarian ship would be lovely, and it appears that BC carries a small number.
  8. Sixth Doctor

    Sixth Doctor New Member

    Dec 3, 2023
    Presently the US, soon elsewhere.
    Both your Invincible and Wyoming are particularly calling to me BSG. Very attractive to my eye. All of them are quite nice. But something about those early designs. And the apparent shortage of Allied ships.
  9. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    I never want to dissuade you, if you want this ship, go for it!


    14,091 long tons
    397 ft Length
    76 ft Beam
    18 knots (increased to 22knot, as per min speed rule)
    2x 7/32” in twin cannons
    6x BB in twin cannons
    5” armor belt

    Using conventional Big Gun weapons, I think you’ll have a tough time arming more than the primary cannons.
  10. Sixth Doctor

    Sixth Doctor New Member

    Dec 3, 2023
    Presently the US, soon elsewhere.
    Oh no, I didn’t read it that way at all. I’m very grateful for your input and advice! Totally new to all of this.
  11. Z Boat

    Z Boat Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2015
    Roseville California
    I have fought a 1/72 surface running and a 1/144 diving Surcouf & I-400, (1/72 had rotation) and would say no to any surface running and diving subs because they are slow and turn like crap on the surface and have way more problems than you can imagine. There are a lot of surface ships (not a CV) that would be much better to play with and you can enjoy some success. If you are moving to the UK, is it legal to fire the guns where you are moving? Down in the Bay area it is illegal to fire a BB gun in all but 1 county. If it is legal, I would get into a boat as soon as you can and learn all you can and maybe have at least 2 ships so you can put on a demo for the new club you need to start in a format that you can grow with the best chance of success.
  12. bsgkid117

    bsgkid117 Vendor

    Feb 8, 2013
    I also just wanted to clarify.

    Our hobby doesn't exist in Europe. I'm pretty sure the cannons we arm our boats with would be considered firearms and you'd end up in a lot of trouble in a lot of countries.

    If you are moving out of the US to Europe someplace, you may want to seriously consider whatever it is you end up doing.
    darkapollo likes this.
  13. Sixth Doctor

    Sixth Doctor New Member

    Dec 3, 2023
    Presently the US, soon elsewhere.
    Wow. That's... fairly rough. There are actually clubs in Europe, but noted. I'll look elsewhere, and I'm sorry for having taken your time.
  14. Justin Ragucci

    Justin Ragucci Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2018
    Rockaway NJ

    It’s honestly not a waste of time that you are asking these questions. We only know these facts because we have members in Europe that come to NATs in the US and they keep their boats in the US because it is illegal to have them in their respective countries . We are not trying to be jerks about it we are trying to let you know about the legality of this hobby in other countries based off members that comes to NATs regularly from Europe. Again just check to where you are moving for the laws and do the research. Better to be safe than sorry.
    Mark41 and notSoGnarly like this.