A new guy from Wisconsin

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by moose421, Jan 20, 2009.

  1. moose421

    moose421 Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Hello to all,
    Well, I have been lurking around reading alot of posts and thought I might introduce myself. I am jsut getting into this hobby. Sort of. I orginialy bought and built a Brooklyn class cruiser. It was a kit from Swampworks, bought back in 1993, I think. Then it prompty went into storage. Had to make a carrer change. And now it has come out of storage. The rebuild is going great, thanks to Bob H. and the rest of the polar bears. They are the group that I will be joining. Also, my boat will be transformed into the Wichita. Nice easy change as the hulls are the same.
    Thanks to all the posts, I am learning a great deal about the hobby.
    Thank you