I'm planning on posting a bunch of flyers on the message boards @ work. Anyone do any that are outstanding? I was actually planning on using the photos from the photo gallery, attach some text, and run the whole thing out a photo printer.
Brian (I know his name comes up a lot, he does a lot in MWCI) made some flyers to post in hobby stores, where would I upload them to?
Flyers. I think I can whip something up. Sometime. What are people suggesting. RC Naval Combat / Nabs / What?
I can make flyers.. I was just interested in what people have made. You know get some ideas flowing...
Well we did a small brochure that you open up or close it kinda like a mini- booklet. We had some blackwhite photos. If you want to see an example go to www.pittelli.com/Nabs go to the main page and look for brochures. It's there somewhere on the main page. This is our old site and it's still up there.
Unfortunate as the info there will be deleted and I would hope to transfer it to the New Nabs site. I think the old site is out of our control. The request is in to take it down.
Before you do that like to ..no need to dwnload that and save it on disk. That site served us well for a very very long time and it still has lots of good stuff on it.
See: http://www.ntxbg.org & follow the COMMS link. There's a link to a brochure in .pdf format - if anybody wants a copy in MS Word, that can be easily modified, I can supply one. JM
what about somthing wiht like the uncle sam flyer from WW2? Like have im saying like "We want you to fight for the (club name) Navy" Then have like pics of the ships battleing in the corners. THen describe the ships below. Then have a contact 4 the club?
I just put a example(not the best) in the file maneger under "Lalimerulez". Tell me what you guys think bout it.