Armed Forces Day Battle

Discussion in 'Washington Treaty Combat' started by Buddy, May 22, 2012.

  1. Buddy

    Buddy Active Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Newark Ohio
    Ok Sports fans here it is the news right off the presses !!

    With a reasonable turn out of appromixatly 8 captains saturday morning and
    interested people also showing up it was bound to be a real eye opener !!
    First off Lee and his small fleet of Axiz IJN ships rolled in to the Friend
    Drydock around 4 pm, unloading into the Dungeon for some last minute details to
    work out. This ssmall fleet was a IJN Mogami heavy cruiser, IJN WW1 Kongo Battle
    cruiser. To reperesent the Allied fleet in this area wa the ever trusted USS
    South Dakota BB, USS Oregon City heavy cruiser and last but not least another
    IJN Mogami.
    To add to this mangal of ships I will call him Eric the light and the Duck man
    rolled in about 8 pm, they too unloaded to the dungeon. in to this mess of steel
    (balsa wood) they arrived with the HMS Courageous Light Battle cruiser, the ever
    deadly Viribus Unitis or VU for short ( sorry if I missed spelled it Duckman !!)
    Not Duckie also brought his beautiflly done Radesky although not yet ready it
    was a show stopper !
    Now tur eto form we all stayed up till wee hours in the night with little sleep
    revalee was called at 6 am and the crews reported to chow hall, pancakes and
    bacon were served with choice of coffe, tea or juice.
    Now it boiled down to getting to the pond !!
    Ok we made the pond about a 8:15 little late. Mark , Dan,JJ and Cliff was
    waiting at the gate for us. Down to the club house and unload .Being we were
    running late we did not get to battle unitll after 9:45 am.

    Allied Fleet would compose
    USS South Dakota -- Buddy
    HMS Courageous-----Eric the Light
    USS Roanoak---------Mark

    Axiz Fleet would compose
    IJN Mogami---------Lee
    Viribus Unitis-----Duckman
    IJN Mogami --------JJ (rookie by fire !!) Pressed ganged in !!

    Ok The Allied Fleet took position at the east end of the pond and Axiz took the
    west. WAR !! Sodak heads for VU , some bad blood has been sturring here , she
    looks like she has a bone to pick with the smaller ship. VU is ready with her
    own bone !! These two do the dance each sizing up their opponent and finally
    shells fire off !!So Dak lands a quick handfull, Vu fires right back landing a
    few of her own, a turn and burn war starts but the Sodak breaks and waits yes
    her oppoent goes behind and a quick report from the triples wakes the VU !large
    number of hits are seen to hit her skin, pump lights off !!
    Now just out side of this circle is another dance between the Courageous and the
    Roanoak dancing with a pair of IJN Cruisers. Mogami (Lee ) is working the angles
    to get shots on the BC getting the range , but the BC is not letting the pesky
    cruiser off easy and thudding in shells of her own. Roanoak also landing shells
    on the cruiser, Mogami (JJ)being aRookie runs in to help his team mate lands a
    few shells of his own and gets holed in returned, Just as he is peeling away he
    runs into the Sodak that unloads well placed sidemounts into to her. She is
    pumping and loseing speed that is trouble !!VU comes to the add of her team and
    runs into the waiting teeth of both the BC and Sodak for her trouble. Roanoak is
    dueling with Mogami Lee which is trying to cover the retreating Mogami JJ Both
    turn to enegage Roanoak and all ships are taking shells, Now Every ships is
    pumping, slowly 5 is called and ships begin to pull out of battle to lick their
    wounds and pump out.
    We reload and refill co2 and new batteries are changed out.
    All ships report back to the pond and war starts as before, VU and Sodak tangle
    like Mohammad Ali and Joe Fraizer each looking for the right angle . It is
    getting heated in there , Courageous decides she wants a shot at the VU and
    lands some shells in what can best be described as a drive by shooting!! SoDak
    and Courageous then try to saandwich the VU giving her the feeling of being a
    piece of cheese , but she does a quick about turn and slipps away pumping and
    leaning, the Roanoak is gettign a slight edge on Mogami Lee when Mogami Jj
    sneaks in and lobbs a few in to her side, she quickly pays for this by taking
    sterns shots from Roanoak in to her bow and peels away , Mogami lee takes
    advanatage and turns the tables and lands well placed shells of her own. both
    are pumping

    Sodak and Vu are dancing around the ring when in a slug fest a loud boom goes
    off in VU !! That doesnt sound good !!! So dak keeps up the pressure! not
    letting the VU slipp away this time Axiz seem to come out of the wood work,
    Mogamis come in to help their team mate and the ALLied fleet is in hot pursuit
    !! Mogami JJ takes a beating beside the VU, Mogami Lee engages both BC and
    Roanoak ! Taking shells and giving.
    VU is low in the water and her rate of fire has dropped, it is believed one gun
    crew was killed when their turret was hit for now shells are coming from that
    area. So Dak pounds her with triples and parts of the bridge area and even life
    boats are flying over the side !!
    VU is on 5 and barely makes it ! The rest of the Axiz fleet is hard hit and nort
    doing very much better. The Allies Almost had the first sinking in their hands
    Well with the winding down the put in to shore and a much needed repair and
    I will continue more later !! Stand By For News !!Hats off to the great Paul
    Harvey !
  2. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    Hey Buddy,
    You never said anything about me, did you?
  3. Buddy

    Buddy Active Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Newark Ohio
    And Now for the rest of the story !!

    Last Battle befor lunch.
    Allies changed stragye SoDak and Roanoak make a pass by VU exchanging brief
    sidemounts and peel off after the pesky Mogami JJ. This catches the IJN cruiser
    off guard having to run. At the same time Courageous is slinging lead at Mogami
    Lee, she diaengages and goes after Mogami JJ. Now feeling the heat from both
    sides it doesnt look good barely escapeing with balsa on her sides, she takes
    another beating but her pump manages to keep up.Mogami Lee manages to draw some
    of the fir ean dis pounced on by both heavy units, Roanoak still hammers the
    slowing Mogami JJ who is now next to shore. Vu comes in with her guns to help
    out and is engaged by SoDak. When a loud boom is heard again by all the
    captains, another dead gun crew !! Vu gets hammered and runs on 5 , Mogami JJ
    also on 5 barely makes away. Mogami Lee now gets full attention by the Allied
    fleet. Courageous leads in the chase of the lone IJN crusier, Sodak turns to try
    and finish off the wounded in process putting more shells in VU and then
    changing to the Mogami JJ, then just after 5 minutes is out VU Sinks next to
    shore befor the Duckman can touch it YES!!! So Dak now out of Ammo retires to
    the shallows soon joined by Courageous .

    Lunch break and the batter is talked up! Dan shows off his landuing craft WOW !!
    Mark has brought his new ship model of the tiny French transport ships !! Very
    neat in deed ! We have a good lunch brought out by my wife Debbie. Thank you
    very much !!

    JJ is really getting a crash course on patching and changeing batteries and co2
    !! Pretty much everyone takes a little break and laughs and enjoys the others.
    Niki shows and we all get together to welcome her and her mother.It was great to
    visit with Cliff and chat about how things have changed, and looking forward to
    meeting up again

    Ok Last battles .

    We are on the water and most every one is ready to go when Niki wants a group
    photo. In the process of getting everyone together Mogami JJ Manages to go in
    reverse across the pond in to the brier patch unnoticed so when we turn around
    to start battle the ship is no where to be seen ! We can hear it but can not see
    it ! Finally found Lee goes into the shallows to free her up an dout she comes !
    War !
    SOdak and Vu is at it again, Vu not lookign for a straight up fight like befor ,
    more like waiting for a opening, Sodak doesnt give and soon Vu is in trouble
    again. Mogami JJ comes in and fires into Sodak OH NO YOU DID NOT JUST SHOOT AT
    ME !!!SHe gets paid in triples for her trouble !!Courageous and Mogami Lee
    exchange shots and Courageous slipps away to hammer on VU now on 5 . Roanoak now
    exchanges with Mogami Lee in a turning war like a mad old fashion dodge ball
    game we did as kids !!Some where in this madness Niki an dthe little french
    transport is put in to axiz side !! AN dis quickly pounced apon by the Allied
    fleet first up is Courageous, blasting a fe wsides in to her, then it is Roanoak
    who seems to not beleive he rluck in finding this little ship ! Next up is Sodak
    with a big ear to ear grin! She unload 2 sets of triples in the little ship and
    with that she rolls over to the right side heading for Davey Jones Locker! She
    didnt sink so with a little help she was gently pushed into shore. ANd a few
    more exchanges went on for a couple more minutes and then 5 was called by all
    the ships out of ammo.In the process of getting Mogami Jj out of the water I
    slipped and some how as I was going down with ship in hands turned her upside
    down and rammed her into the bank and doing a face plant in the bottom of her
    hull. Unlike what some would say this was not on purpose !! A lot of damage was
    done to the upper works, luckly major systems seem to still work, oh well more
    to fix at the dock yard , didnt need that bridge anyway right ?
    Last Sortie after a fever of patching and refurbeshing. Vu is hurting and after
    some last minute coaksing she returns one more time.
    Makes for a long day as Sodak head once more for VU, another dance and a bump
    and Sodak goes dead in the water. Zengine room gives no responce !!Gun crews do
    their best to get off shows and repair crew keeps the pumps going! Here come the
    vultures !! First off VU wants blood and hammers a shell or two in, then
    Mogami Lee parks just out of range and lobbs shell after shell into the left
    side. In a little deep water the captain graceouly push Sodak in to shallower
    water and I think Vu took some friendly fire in doing this !!Roanoak takes
    advantage of both Mogamis as they try to get at the BB and put several shells in
    to both again Mogami JJ limps away and a bad condition. Courageous unloads at
    the cruiser but runs out unable to finisher off. Mogami Lee and Roanoak slugg it
    out with both hurting and out of ammo. Sodak makes her 5 minutes out of control
    with out in being in real danger of sinking.

    Ok I would like to thank every one for making it a FUN DAY

    Eric the light, Scott Duckman, Mark, Lee, JJ, and Niki. It was great to meet
    Cliff, Dan and the gang from Delware.We packed up and headed for the dockyards
    and I cooked out with brats and grilled chicken, bushes baked beans, potatoe
    salad, and all the good foods !!
    I would also like to thank my wife Debbie for putting up with us and all the
    things she did to help out.
    We decided to call it a build session for sunday and only going out if we could
    manage to get some badly needed repairs done. Vu was in very rough shape and
    Mogami JJ had major damage done
    Sunday we rebuilt and swapped stories until it was time for our friends to head
    for home.
  4. Buddy

    Buddy Active Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Newark Ohio
    I just had to finish the rest of the story !!
  5. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    That's cool! May I pass this one to my Family and friends?
  6. Buddy

    Buddy Active Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Newark Ohio
  7. NASAAN101

    NASAAN101 Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2009
    Pittsburgh PA, USA
    hey Buddy!
    Thanks for letting me get the boats in and out of the water, That should be my job at the Treaty Nats as well! and i'm hoping to my Little girl up! I thing Eric, Ran little golo over :D