Arrival of Captn Sparrow on the Rock.

Discussion in 'North Atlantic Battle Squadron' started by CURT, Jul 23, 2011.

  1. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    :)Well Captn Jack (Craig) and his sidekick arrived today safe and sound. They had a grand tour of the southern Avalon , a visit to a comic store, Fish and chips lunch topped off with a fire pit roasting smores bars and marshmellows, wieners and some tank battles complete with pyrotechnics. Yup a long and busy first day. The boys are exhausted. Tomorrow we have breakfast then a 2 hr drive to the Northern Shore where we willl take in a popular beach resort and have a big Turkey dinner. After that we will head back to the city and plan things from there. Were probalby going to take in a move and see Captn America. Captain Jack brought up goodies for the shipyard along with stuff for his new NC kit which I will be building. I also received a new VU hull. This one is for me not the Wife as she already has one. I plan to arm this one for combat. We hope to take out the ships and get some work done in the shipyard. I did have issues trying to get my new spectrum to connect to my receivor but Captn Sparrow figured out what was going on and it's working fine now so Yamato should be good under this new TX.