Battle as seen from Bismarks C turret

Discussion in 'Photos & Videos' started by Bryan, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    Oct 1, 2008
    Here is the battle that lead to Bismarks sinking, (yes it is at the end of the video)
    when you start downloading this video (it is 100Mb) change to full screen as
    I did not have to degrade the video too much, only a little with some creative
    editing to get it to fit. The camera was a Go-Pro-Hero Wide (170 degree)
    camera normally sold to the RC car racing guys, it is Water and BB proof
    to 200 feet. It sat for almost a week at the bottom of the pond and all that
    happend was the battaries ran out as it kept filming in the dark. The pond is 14 feet
    deep where Bismark sank, the sounds it captured also help make a neat story.
    Worth a look if you like a little combat footage, Only 5 boats on water, one of those
    a liberty type ship but fun none the less. Thanks to the OAF-SAR team for recovering
    Bismark, now if only I could get rid of that smell in her.......o_O

  2. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Do you mind if I cross-post this on other forums? This is some incredible stuff!
  3. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    Oct 1, 2008
    No go right ahead, share with all, It is on u-tube also if that helps, uploaded by My cats name

    Bismarck Battle and sink June 2009
    This one has slightly lower vid quality than one on OAF site but has complete credits at endo_O

    The Bismarck Sinking June 2009 Short
    This one is slightly lower vid quality than on OAF site.:(
  4. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Great video, I love the perspective. Try bleach water for the smell. Make sure you empty the boat's guts out first.
  5. Bryan

    Bryan Member

    Oct 1, 2008
    Wiping and rinsing everything in rubbing alchohol worked really well, so now to work on her systems and a better pump mount.