A very nicely executed hull for what should be the ubiquitous Allied convoy ship. Every Allied captain needs two! Some background: Designed to survive only one round trip, more than 2,700 Liberty ships were made during WWII. Scores flew British flags under the lend-lease program so it is a very versatile addition to the Allied fleet. This hull can be built in many configurations as Liberties served not only as merchant ships, but also as as tankers, colliers, repair ships, passenger transports, and hospital ships. The SS Stephen Hopkins was the first American ship to sink a German surface combatant in 1942. Many Liberty ships participated in D-Day and Liberty ships were still involved in military hostilities as late as 1967 when USS Liberty (a WWII Liberty Ship reconfigured as an US Naval Intelligence vessel) came under fire from Israeli forces. The S.S. Jeremiah O'Brien still makes regular cruises today and even made a return trip to Normandy on the 50th anniversary of D-Day. Now somebody needs to build a Hog Islander.
Check the Cleveland build. Still going strong. But itching to get back to the VV. Drop me a line at ltmeszaros at comcast- net