Battlestation Vessels....

Discussion in '1/96 Battlestations' started by glaizilla, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    Below is a list of vessels currently being prepared for the upcomming debut battle on the August 19-21, All are located in South West Ohio.

    Type Ship Status CO
    BC Straussberg Hrs from Complete Mikey
    BB Scharnhorst Ready to be sheeted Matt
    DD Tashkent ??Dont worry about it..coz its Phil
    DD Mogador ??needing super structure Dustin
    If anyone else is out there building, please post what your building, what is its status, and what is the likelyhood of you being able to make the battle in Xenia Ohio between August 19-21.
  2. Kun2112

    Kun2112 Active Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    Matt, I'm not quite that far along. I still have most of my weapons work, some fabrication, all electrical, and have yet to finalize layout of the internals before I get to that.... :)
  3. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    Well I had hoped to keep it a secret, but I have been building a 1/96 USS New Jersey, one of our clubs smaller boats needs to utilize the main armament of my Scharnhorst as Torpedo tubes, so luckily I had been working on the second battlestations boat. So redo on the shiplist with myself commanding the New Jersey instead of scharnhorst on the battle Aug 19-21...Was going to buiild a Montana, but could only find 3 triple 1/4" mounts...
  4. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Great Caesar's Ghost, an Iowa! I am really looking forward to pics of the engagment!!!
  5. mike5334

    mike5334 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Very nice! The Jean Bart won't be the only large battleship on the water come next year. :)
  6. Kun2112

    Kun2112 Active Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    Now which of the smaller boats ended up with those 7/32 guns?
    Would that be Phil's or Lee's? Or is there another party I am unaware of?
  7. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    Phils tashkent will be using them, I will post pictures when i figure out how.
    i will continue to build capital ships in 1/96 indeffinately.....
  8. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    When the Jersey is completed and after the Conference battle in August, the next planed ship will be laid down, possibly finishing in time for a battle near the end of the give a favorite American ship.....and she will have 12 x 1/4" cannons, and her name rhymes with Montana.....

    Dont worry all you axis Kapitan's out there, I will be building a large Axis ship over the winter to even up the odds a little. Maybe an H or an Alsace, or a yamato? who knows....
  9. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Did we decide what ships were allowed? Not out to burst any bubbles, just asking if we have.

    How fast were they? Not that I'm worried about running away given that they outgun Bis by 50% ;)
  10. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    well that would depend on if im building the BB-49 or the BB neverbuilt at al0 :) l, one was 23 knots, the other 27 knots I beleave, I am not sayin which one, but I am building one, my thought on the matter, not to piss anyone off, is that I am going to build whatever boat strikes my fancy, i think i can get away with this for two reasons, firstly with so few battlestations boats on the water (one to my knowlage) that any would be welcomed, secondly no hypo will be a doomsday for the hobby, the H-39 is a longer slower bismarck with three rudders, the Alsace, a longer bart with an extra turret, the big montana, a streched sodak, I know everyone is familier with most of the hypos, but the thing is, with a boat like my New Jersy, going up against these 42 knot plus destroyer leaders with torpedos, alls they have to do is get right beside me and i wont be able to do much but shoot there deck with my secondaries. So other than capital on capital ship combat, there really isnt much threat from the superbattleships. Besides I am not skilled enough to do any real harm with the super huge battleships, but it gives the little guys something to shoot at, and hopefully something large enough that wont sink as easy as a cruiser.

    I havent seen alot of activity other than talking about rules, my feeling as we need to get boats on the water and then worry about how unfair this or that is. if the big boats frighten anybody out there, stay out of the water, if your building a little boat, fight in close and hope whatever is escorting my battlewagons doesnt sink you before you sink my battleship, leaving my battleship to deal with the other battleship in the water.

    right now I have a Scharnhorst, which i have to unarm to help a battlebuddy, I have a New Jersy which needs its internals (on hand) installed and sheeted, and I am planning on building a second American battleship, which would be 2:1 allied vs axis, if Mike Deskins Straussberg is going to fight axis then within the Ohio club were at 2:2 on capital ships, with a bart on the way (which can fight either side) and Tugboats Bismark, we have a balanced 3:3 ratio of capital ships all on the pretty fricken big scale, the question is, other than the Captains in Ohio, will anyone else be completing a battlestations warship?.......
  11. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    You're right. No one that doesn't have a 1/96 ship fully complete should have any input. I don't need to be involved in this endeavor, but I wish you boys all the luck in the world and hope to see some good videos on You Tube.
  12. mike5334

    mike5334 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    I have to disagree with that have a ship for input thing. If that was true, then there would not be a Battlestations format in the first place. It took people such as Clark and others to not only decide to birth the format, but to hash out and put together a rule set.

    With that said, Battlestations does have a rule set. Building outside of the rules is taking the risk that the ship will not be allowed to battle. Personally, I would not invest the hundreds of hours and dollars in a ship that may not get to battle in the future. It would be far better to build within the rules ... or become active within the rule making process to change the rules.

    It is going to take everyone, ship or no ship, to get Battlesstations off the forums and battling. I would hate to see a promising format self destruct due to elitism or not playing by the rules.
  13. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    Tug, I wansnt saying that they shouldnt have any imput at all,and i apologize whole heartidly if thats how my post came across...not my intent,

    we need the imput of people who have battled otherwise your going to end up with missle cruisers firing bottle rockets at the merrimac...not a good idea...however I feel if somone wants to build something like a normadie class battleship, why not? will it be a formatable little boat sure will, will it be unsinkable and make the format totally

    I can see your concern about not building in the rules, I am a relative newcommer,but thier doesnt seem to be any building within the rules to begin with,just talking for years, I prefer to cast my vote with the rest of my club members, and stay out of the political rule vs rule vs fair vs unfair...

    we build model warships and atempt to fight them, everything isnt going to be perfect, something has to be compromised weather its speed, armament, etc...example, my New Jersey gets to be fully sheathed in 1/8" balsa, the real ship had about a 600 foot belt of armor, not the entire hull, but we compromise and say hey, the hull is as thick as the main belt was scaled down... the armaments, we say 15" and above gets 1/4" ball bearings, well the yamato had 9x18.1s and Id venture to say that its broadside was in the 27000lb range where as the Roma probubly had around 16-19000 lb broadside but in our format they get the same armament, and I dont get the elitism remark at all i think i mentioned I suck at r/c combat, but like it, and will continue to do it, getting our feelings hurt at every little post equats to a waste of time.... I am sorry for anyone who is offended that my ideas dont corilate with what some feel is right, and if there was a battle in which Tug with his Bismarck, and the Bart showed up, I would have no problem letting one of my boats sit out so you guys will play. In fact I hope that everyone that reads the forum builds a 1/96 scale boat just so we can have a huge battle with one of my boats looking pretty on the sidelines....until then I will do what in the confines of my local club, will allow...

    What I said was there seems to be alot of talking and not alot of building, why not run with whatever rules we have, and adjust fire after we get some real experiance with the big ships on the water, we might want to rethink the turning motor aspect, or the number of torpedoes, or what have you. My veiw is that we need to get boats on the water, weather its a four piper destroyer, a glorious predreadnought from just before the turn of the century, one of the splended cats from WWI or a super battleship... I got caught up in the rule thing before, now I spend the majority of my time building ships, weather they are only allowed in my local group or not is a seperate issue, the point for everyone to take from this is boats are being made and will be fighting this year, which as far as I can find out, hasent happend yet, some of the threads are four years old, or older, so again, I apologize for those that i offended, I hope to see whatever beautiful warships you all decide to build on the water some day
  14. mike5334

    mike5334 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    I totally agree ... we need ships on the water. This year has seen a building growth unlike any yet. The dream of holding the first Battlestations battle is closer now than it has been since the format was started ... largely due to motivated people building ships this past summer.

    I guess I do not understand why anyone would put the time and money to build an illegal ship in the first place. I can understand if there is a ship already built and may be allowed to battle until the captain can either make it legal or build a ship that fits within the rules.
  15. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    I dont know what was decided on the whole hypo/not completed thing. I checked and it seemed the vast majority did want ships that were laid down to be alloud, if I am mistaken then I am sorry for not posting acurate information. I like a ship, might not have been completed, but it was real non the less, and the cost is no more than a Maryland or a penssylvania or a baden. I will confer with my colleages and if they give the go ahead then I will build it , and risk potentialy not being able to use it in some of the potential future battles...
  16. mike5334

    mike5334 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    For what it is worth, I voted for the laid down ships in the poll.

    Tugboat, have we reached a verdict with the poll yet?
    EDITED ... forgot which vote I had cast. heh.
  17. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    whichever way FroggyFrenchman voted is what I voted for....
  18. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I believe that we have enough votes in to call it a quorum. Treaty shiplist is the Battlestations shiplist.

    'Zilla - lest you think I'm anti-anything, please re-read my comments in the various threads vis-a-vis what I thought about hypotheticals...

    'My gut response to the perceived impasse is that if 'zilla showed at my local pond with the foojkies to build and launch a Monty in 1/96, I'd battle him. He'd have a crappy time fighting Surcouf, but I'm sure we could have a good time.'

    'So if we're totally at an impasse, I'm willing to go with the Treaty shiplist, given that we don't have all that many ships on the water at the moment, and I'll shoot anyone that wants to shoot at me (speaking of boats, not battlers lol). '

    'I agree, if someone showed up with a hypothetical ship (that I'd actually heard of) I'd likely let them throw it on the water and battle, so long as all other legal requirements were met. If the collective decides that we want to allow hypotheticals, I will change the ruleset posted online and drive on with no grief. If we as the collective decide to go by a 'commissioned' standard, I'll humph, change the posted ruleset, and drive on with no grief.'

    I hope that settles any doubts about where I stand. When I asked this morning if we'd decided Montys (and friends) were legal, I wasn't challenging you, I was just asking. My issue is that if Battlestations as a club allows ships that break the rules, then that shows whoever insures us (NAMBA, for example) that they can't count on us to enforce the rules. That usually leads to loss of insurance.
  19. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    Tug, I didnt feel like you threw down the gauntlet with me lol, I just was worried that I came across as trying to drive people away, again not my intent, and I knew from your poll that you were very open minded regaurding allowable ships, I am glad that we have quantified an answer regaurding what is allowed or not...

    Just to clearify I was only teasing at building the larger Montana, one of the BB49 class was named Montana, and as Its the only named that cant be missconstrued from an actually built ship (other names Sodak, Iowa,indiana,Big Mamie etc) I chose that name, my plan was to buy a maryland hull from the scale shipyard and cut/extend it to the lenghth of the BB49, with the ability to push the hull outwards slightly to gain the beam within the allowable tollerance. giving a quick hull for one of my favorite American ships (planning on doing the same thing in treaty to try it out first)
  20. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS
    Lets just limit every one to Pre-Washington Treaty ships and we can all be happy. :)

