Discussion in '1/96 Battlestations' started by glaizilla, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    Hello all, well we had our first ever Battlestations battle in this hemisphere. Some questions I had about our format,
    I think I observed in one of the sets of rules that the max depression was something like 20 degrees, I think it should be much shallower than that, to encourage(require ) shots fired at longer ranges, we are not fighting sailing men o war, nor iron clads, and though we wont ever be able to fight at scale ranges, we could make it look a little more scale by not having our cannons hitting eight inches away from our own ship. I know that this would make belows a bit more difficult, but scraping paint on each others boats can be accomplished in the smaller scale, I also postulate that it will require more skill to shoot 10+ feet away then simply driving up next to your opponent at point blank range and unloading your main armament.
    Scoring, if we are counting hits vs just trying to sink the opponent, are each perspective hit weighed differently? (IE 7/32-1/4 equate more points than 3/16, .177, .125) I understand that some holeing will be difficult to judge, but with so few ships on the water, it might be easier to discern. (large caliber hit vs small caliber hit)
    Original battlestations! site, is there any interest in contacting the owner of the original battlestations! site, and either have him update it with current material (media..etc) or see if he will give up the rights to it so that one of us can take the reigns?
    Ramming? I understand that ramming is illegal, and why, etc etc, however, are there stipulations on if a smaller combatant cuts infront of your ship? My 150lb new jersey stops pretty well at the lower speeds ran at the first event, however at flank speed I doubt it will stop on a dime, if a small torpedo cruiser finds itself crossing in front of my ship, knowing full well that I cant stop from ramming him, will I be punnished for his disregaurd for his own ships wellbeing? I find it troubling that such fast small ships are being laid down (one completed) that eventually one is going to try and cut infront of a large battleship to get a nice bow shot, and forget that much mass is barrelling perpindicular to its course, intentional rams, no question pennalty, (unless your HMS Glow worm) accidental rams??
    Some of these questions have been touched by one format or another, however with all of us struggeling to get this format solidified, I had these questions that I wanted imput on,
    In Treaty, as I understand it, rule changes can be voted on if not every year, then every other year, I propose that we run with the rules that are set right now, and anyone whom has battled within a determand time frame will be alloted a vote in rule proposals/changes, say a year from the first battle, so everyone will have 365 or so, days to build/battle a ship, then they will see first hand what needs changed, also, those individuals will have more invested in this format then those just arguing over rules ( no offense to those whole want to play it safe, and get the rules first, then build), not everyone is going to be happy, but if the majoriy says 20 degree depression, then I guess I just have to deal with it :)
    Kudos to people like Froggy Frenchman and Tugboat whom have been giving it a go with this format for so long, I think with the new found interrest in this scale, and those that have been interrested in it from its inception will foster a resiliance in Battlestations! which is unlikely to go away now that revalutions have been set at "full speed ahead".....
  2. mike5334

    mike5334 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Some good input there. :)

    Now that Battlestations has had at least one battle, the lessons learned can be applied to tweaking the rule set. Yet perhaps we may need a few more battles to see what trends may develop before looking hard at what might need changing now. A single battle might not be a good predictor.
    I have some ideas of what may come but going to hold them in reserve until we see more battles.

    I do kinda agree with the "must play to vote" idea. Most formats have something like that already. Were we have to be careful is not to let a very small group of people have excessive influeance over the rule set so early in the Battlestations development. Some people put a lot of time and effort into crafting the rule set ... it would not be kosher to freeze them out now.
  3. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    I agree with you, definitely don't want to exclude those who have put alot of thought into this format, one reason I think we should give a finite amount of time to allow them to get a boat in the water before implementing a battle to vote, additionally their diligence in drafting the rules in the beginning will be applied as the starting point for the rules we eventually will mold around practical real life experience in the larger scale.
  4. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I have exchanged emails with the original owner; he is willing to let us have it (or was like a year ago when we talked), but had just paid a couple of years worth of web hosting and wanted the money for that. Reasonable to me, but I didn't have the money to do it, and we don't really pay dues :) So I didn't get it from him at that point.

    As for rules changes, I've had input, but I only maintain the rules, I don't dictate them. If everyone wants to set a formal change protocol, then I'm cool with it, just let me know what we want to do.

    James saw my USS Georgia under construction this past weekend. It's a fat piggy :)
  5. dietzer

    dietzer Admiral (Supporter)

    Mar 27, 2007
    Good points. I, too, agree that voting should be by active (battling) captains, even though I am not one yet. And I think that anyone who crosses in front of you causing a ram got what he deserves. That's like playing chicken with a train. You shouldn't be penalized for that.

    Tug, got any pics of the USS Georgia to share? Also, how much money are we talking about to get the site from the prior owner? I'm not opposed to dues if that's what it takes to get us our own, up-to-date, web site...
  6. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS
    I'd certainly chip in to buy the site from the previous owner.

    Georgia is still frames on a stick but inspiring none the less.
  7. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Only frames on a stick!? There were _at least_ 2 or 3 pieces of balsa hot-glued to the frames :) That's practically completed!
    I will contact Joe and see what the price on the website is, and report back to everyone. It would be nice to have a dedicated site for a number of reasons. I don't suggest moving the forums from here, but having a functional, up-to-date site might help with recruiting as well.
  8. mike5334

    mike5334 Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    I would love to chip in on maintaining the site if possible. I don't know much about server pages, but give me html pages and I can do well. ;)
  9. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS
    There was so much to see in the workshop of wonders that I did not examine Georgia too closely. I apologize for any offense to the lady in question.
  10. Kun2112

    Kun2112 Active Member

    Apr 10, 2010
    Matt, in my defense, the Mogador's top speed at that time was about 70 seconds. I really was trying to get out of the way... :p
    We definately need to try to have another battle with current ships (minus the bugs) this year. There are a couple of private ponds up here in Celina I am trying to get access to for a small group. One gets very deep very fast, but has a nice small beach for launching and recovery. Eric H. is also looking at a couple more in this area. If the one in Versallies works out, it would be closer to the Dayton area folks.
  11. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I just got the word from Brian K that the Statesboro (GA) Park Authority like us boat battlers so much, that they have given us the gate key to the park where the battle pond is and told us to have fun :) Hooah nice pond. I have personally tested the pond for comfortable sunken boat retrieval and it gets a solid 4.5 stars out of 5. If the water were clear, it'd be a 5.

    I have sent the email to Joe Kutz, am awaiting a response. Hope for soon and good news :)
  12. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS
    Bene! And at only a bit over 9 hours from New Orleans the drive is not quite so tedious as feared.
  13. dietzer

    dietzer Admiral (Supporter)

    Mar 27, 2007
    Now we just need to find a battle site in north-eastern Indiana...
  14. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Dan R. has one in Montpelier, In.
    He is trying to get rid of some moss at this time.
    The site will most likely be ready by next spring.
  15. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    Awesome Tug! HOOAH !!!

    Dietzer : Was gibt es über den lake michigan? Dann könnte ich bauen schlacht Schiff tillman!! WUHAHAHA lol
  16. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I got a reply from Joe already! He says that rather than transfer it, his domain registration expires November 24 of this year and he's going to let it do so and that I can then register it in our name and populate it. I replied asking if he minds us lifting the code wholesale from the existing site. I don't think he'll mind, but I don't want to do it without asking first.
  17. absolutek

    absolutek -->> C T D <<--

    Sep 6, 2009
    Ontario, Canada
    It would be much better if you transferred it before it expires, otherwise you run the risk of having a squatter snatching the domain when it expires. I may be able to help with hosting if need be (php & sql supported).

  18. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS
    I have to agree, better to take it over before it expires.
  19. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I could always register (or something) vice the .org that is up right now, Joe is not interested in doing the handover due to time constraints on his end.
    Edit: Battlestions .com and .net are taken by squatters, but .co (and several less-appropriate) is not. Anyone for :)
  20. absolutek

    absolutek -->> C T D <<--

    Sep 6, 2009
    Ontario, Canada
    It doesn't take more than a few minutes to approve a transfer. I don't really understand how there is a time issue, but if you have to get another domain is available.
