Hi Guys. I just purchased this device that checks the speed of your BB's, and the energy it hits with, from Hong Kong, comes from Japan, but they had the best price I will be testing it this weekend. The top part slides off, attach to the gun, I will have to make a attachment that fits our barrels, and a cable hooks the 2 units together. So I should be able to really dial in the guns now.
Justin I got it from Redwolfairsoft, company out of Hong Kong, for $89 with like $9 for shipping if I remember right. Took 4 days to arrive. Its made to fit on to the end of a BB rifle, but I can make a new fitting, that will fit our gun barrels easy enough. All the instructions are in Japanese, but the unit itself is english, and is easy enough to figure out, beside my Daughter is fluent in Japanese, so no problem for me. Everywhere else it was over $100+. The functionality is complete. Basic measurements like BB velocity (m/sec), cycle rate (shoot/sec), also don't forget to set the BB weight (fine-tuning possible at every 0.01g) so the system calculates the energy (J) automatically. It says it used 3 AA batteries, but thats wrong, it uses 3 AAA. Visit this site
I have not tried my new guns, but the guns I had on my Roma, did 64 mps, so using Clarks figure 212 fps, that was 2 years ago, when I purchased the device. I will have to make the adaptor for my rifled barrels, which are larger diameter, and check them again, and see how they do. If I remember I will bring it to Savannah. I was just rounding to 3.3 myself.