Gotta get in line for that one. :/ there are currently not vendors for big gun cannons. Aren’t you battling/meeting with WWCC? If so there are a couple members if my memory serves me correctly with cannon designs and you may be able to talk to them about making you some.
torpedoes for a Fletcher are quite easy. Get some MJV-2 valves and MAT-2 accumulators. You can use 3/8 brake line for barrels, which is very easy to bend and can be threaded directly into the outlet of a MJV-2. I'll see about getting example photos soon.
Yeah Im gonna ask Jeff if I can buy some from him because right now... 1. Stuff to do Aka time to build ships = 0 I can't even build my small, plastic ones!!
You can arm your DD with a fast gun BB, you do not need Big Gun for that. Remember we are talking about a 2 second rate of fire for BB's and keep the 4 second for 3/16. You could pepper the transport with that. Or arm it with torps, I am going to have both in a small cruiser.
I prefer torps, I am a strong believer of destroyers using torpedoes What kind of BBs should I get for big gun in general
I can't say my experience with Fast Gun cannons has been good. Tweaky little things that stop working if you look at them funny. The only thing they've really got going for them is you can make 'em with a drill press and hand tools. A torpedo-armed DD using single-barrel MJV torpedoes will give you a much more credible threat against every opponent you'll face, and a much more reliable setup. Below is an example installation in a Tashkent destroyer. Two MJV-2 valves, screwed into MAT-4 accumulators, with bicycle pump valves for pressurizing. The MJV-2 valves are directly fired by a high-torque servo. Here is another example, this time the Z-25. You can clearly see the 3/8 brake line barrels directly screwed in to the MJV-2 valve. This setup uses MPA-3 actuators to fire, which in turn are triggered by a micro servo with a SMAV-3 acting as pilot valve. From a battling perspective, a .177" bb-armed destroyer is able to chase and attack torpedo-boats, scoring multiple hits above the waterline. This is not likely to sink a destroyer or cruiser, and it'll have trouble penetrating the heavy armor of capital ships. Such pursuit can tie up hostile torpedo-boats, but if a torpedo-boat does get a shot in return, the bb-destroyer will most likely go for a swim.
1/4” 7/32” and BBs. There is a 4th I believe but can not remember. If you look at the clubs rule book it will give you the sizes as well as the real world she’ll size equivalent.
I used to get them through Strike, before that another club member would order huge batches from a ball-bearing manufacturer. The size you forgot is 3/16. it only really shows up for heavy cruisers though, so its very rare.