Bitondo Bros Productions

Discussion in 'Photos & Videos' started by Kotori87, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Hi, guys. Here's my collection of warship videos. All footage is of the Western Warship Combat Club.

  2. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    I am pleased to announce a new video from Bitondo Bros Productions.
    It is ONLY A PREVIEW of my planned coverage of the WWCC Last Man Standing.

    The idea for the Last Man Standing is to show off as much of the LMS
    video as possible, without music, and with Carl's and my comments
    about the tactics that viewers should notice. This is to show off
    what a battle is really like (as you should know, we don't play a
    soundtrack customized to the action during a battle). It will be
    three to four separate videos on youtube providing an introduction to
    the battle and ships as well as the actual coverage of the battle
    itself. Of course, it will also take a lot of work to put together
    (we spent the weekend putting together 2 minutes, imagine what 30-40
    will take).

    Our next planned project is the FAQ. Again, it will probably be a
    multi-part series that covers the basics of the hobby in general,
    followed by more specifics about Biggun and the WWCC construction,
    armament, and combat operations. I will need to do some more filming
    for this, particularly of captains preparing for battle, working in
    the shop, and most importantly showing off the insides and
    construction of their boat from the ground up.

    Comments and ratings always welcome.
  3. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Nice Carl! I just showed your videos to my boss @ work... he thought it was very funny!
  4. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    I posted this explanation on the RC Universe forum in response to Umi Ryuzuki asking me how my brother and I make our videos. The basic method is 1) capture video onto my computer 2) select interesting/exciting clips 3) select music 4) arrange clips to fit music.

    Some of the earlier videos (Into the Deep, Gun Cam, Apocalypse Pond) were done with Arcsoft Showbiz, the video editing software that came on my computer. I eventually got Adobe Premier Elements, and thats what I've used for every video since. I capture AVI files directly from my video camera using the editing software (both do the trick). I then choose a piece of music I like and take samples from a large library of video (currently being reorganized) to make a new production. Sometimes, like First Casualty, the Dutch Battlecruiser sink, and Deutchland vs Iowa, there is a really nice clip and I have to find an approprate piece of music to match the video. I then export the video as an uncompressed AVI and then convert that to whatever format and compression I want to use. I've been experimenting with the DivX converter, which would save me lots of space and allow me to upload longer, clearer videos to youtube, but the free trial version has been very fickle and unreliable, which makes me worry about getting the full version. I upload to Youtube because it has a very large audience, even if length andsize are limited and they butcher the video quality. Most of my videos have around 5,000 views, but Big Gun Navy has almost 20,000. That is 20,000 people who now know about a very obscure hobby. I enjoy reviewing the video and trying ideas. It also provides me a chance to examine tactics and see if they worked or didn't, as well as notice unusual occurences that could easily be missed. For example, a Capitani Romani fires its port torpedos to rock the ship, then fires its starboard torps at a pocket battleship, but rocked TOO far and the shot went UNDER the ship and curved back UP and OUT the other side (might not be visible on youtube when I include it in video). Ultimately its another way for me to enjoy the hobby and promote it at the same time.
  5. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Hi, guys! I know it's not warship combat, but here's my latest project. I just uploaded a video of the local Tamiya RC combat club in action. You can view it here:
    Tell me what you think! The Kelly's Heroes Tank Club was kind enough to lend me a tank for the battles early last year, and let me enter the airsoft tank competition. I even won a Pershing airsoft tank, which I hope to convert for IR combat eventually. I made this video several weeks after the battle, but only just got around to encoding it for Youtube. Many thanks to the Kelly's Heroes Tank Club!
  6. CURT

    CURT Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2006
    St. John's Newfoundland , Canada
    WOW! WOW! WOW! THAT IS SOO COOL!Ok I need to know more about this. Email me at How much are they? and how do they fire and how are hits regististered?
  7. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    The tanks are 1/16 scale Tamiya models. They are equipped with an infrared emitter and detector for combat. Get hit enough times, and the tank shuts down. Tamiya is currently the sole producer of these tanks and IR combat system, so naturally they charge monopoly prices. Expect to pay as much on one of these tanks as you would on a battleship. The good news is that you don't have to patch holes after every battle, and as long as you drive nicely (not like the guys in the video) the tank will last a very long time with original parts. However if you're the type who likes to push the limits, you can also get metal gearboxes, metal treads, upgraded motors, and a more robust detail kit.

    It is also possible to take one of those cheap 1/16 scale airsoft tanks, and modify the cannon so it can fire 6mm paintballs. I've only heard of one person succeeding at that, but if it works you get a combat system that's better than even Tamiya.