Bluebird servo waterproofing test

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by GregMcFadden, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    Well, after wreno and I chatted online a while back about waterproofing and he pointed me towards some servos that are spec'd as waterproof, I figured I'd give them a try (always loved destructive testing, and I run these experiments so you won't have to). So I ordered up a standard bluebird servo advertised as waterproof (I was highly doubtful). I just received the servo today and dunked it in clean, fresh water to a depth of 1" and then set about running it back and forth, not loaded. It ran fine underwater for about 5 minutes and then it started showing the jittery/jumpy servo syndrome indicative of water getting into the pot.

    So the short and skinny of it is that the servos are NOT waterproof. They are definitely splash resistant but that ain't waterproof.

    have fun folks.

  2. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    I probably should have mentioned, that while not waterproof, they did seem a bit more water resistant than other servos that I have played with, which probably means that they are a decent servo to use for our purposes.

  3. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I wonder how they'd do with lithium grease in the gear section and an o-ring?
  4. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    Probably just fine. They even have a nice smooth seat for the O-ring, however their servo horns are really really sharp and will slice into the O-ring. You would need to buy Futaba servo arms in order to seal well (or even better some of the futaba spline after market heavy duty arms so that the sealing area is increased.