That is too funny. They do both make some sense. I had to think about it. Happy trails all the same Justin. Mikey
hey i made complete sense. you would want fair seas (who wants a storm?!) and following winds (to push you [if your in the age of sail]) fair winds means hardly anything to push you, and following seas does really mean anything at all, at most that your voyage is VERY long. see, i make complete sense!
hehe! Kenny I appreciate the attempt! I understood what you were saying, and that's what's important. fair winds, meaning positive desirable winds, which in the age of sail is winds traveling the same direction you want to. Could also mean not cruel winds... following seas, meaning the vast majority of the water is behind you; hence you are wishing me to make my destination safely. Thank you everyone. I have made it to Kennewick, WA safely. If greg wants to meet up in the next few weeks, I'm game.