Casement Deck

Discussion in 'Construction' started by TroyM, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. TroyM

    TroyM New Member

    Apr 10, 2011
    I'm currently building the HMS Iron Duke to MWCI rules, my question is in the rules is stated that the casement deck must only be 1/8" thick. I'm building a wooded hull constructing from plans I purchased over the internet. The drawing were hand drawn, gives me basic starting point, I'm currently transferring into AutoCad and inputting the most detail I can.
    I need to get a little clarification on the rules on rule 7, are we allowed to have a stringer under the casement deck to help form a hull and also give the1/32" penetrable hull skin a place to glue to as it comes up and meets the casement deck. Reading section 7 I believe I'm allowed to have a stringer under the casement deck. And if continue reading about stringer must be a max of 1/8" thick and can be any width. Which I would make the same width as my casement deck which would make the thickness of my casement deck 1/4". Now if you look at the picture under section 10 there is no stringer and only 1/8" casement deck.
    Look to me like if I'm not allowed to have a stringer under the casement deck where the 1/32" hull skin meets the casement deck, this section will be extremely weak. This will make battle damage repairs in the field extremely time consuming and complex in this area.
    All input would be appreciated.
  2. SnipeHunter

    SnipeHunter Well-Known Member

    Aug 22, 2007
    The 1/8" Casement deck IS the 1/8" stringer that you are allowed for attaching the hull skin to. Stringer is the generic term for that horizontal hard area and the fact that there is a casement deck is what allows you to have the stringer.

    Good 1/8" 5 ply plywood is strong and holds up well to the abuse, I used it for the casement deck/stringer in my VDT and never had an issue with strength or needing to repair it.