[]HEy i was wondering if any body has attempted to build a aircraft carrier. that launchs planes which are controllable. I calculated and a corsair for 1/144 would have to be like 3 inchs wingspan. so it might be big enuff to drop a small lead fishing weight. or something or just plan kamikaze into the the other ships i think that it would do significate damage. but the planes run around 80-90 dollars but most of that is the innards of the plane ( esc, motor reciver, actuators. just an idea. it would defintly work with 1/72. any body know of any clubs in the northcarolina area?.
There are several aircraft carriers in use as convoy ships, but they don't get used much except at nationals, once a year. There is MWC (fast gun) Region 3 which is the carolinas, GA, FL, and AL. Most battles are in Savannah and Orlando. There is the Mid-Atlantic Battle Group (big gun) to your north in VA. Not sure where they battle, but they're good guys too.
People have only recently been able to make 1/72 scale corsairs and zeros. In order to have enough power to fly, the prop is so big it can't do a carrier landing. They are so light that they can only fly indoors. It is not yet possible to make a flying RC 1/144 fighter or small bomber. The most likely plane is a B-25 taking off from the USS Hornet on the Doolittle Raid. It is the largest plane to launch from a carrier. Even then, it would most likely need to use a kamikaze-type attack. Though I don't think it's going to happen within the next couple years, I'd love to see a 1/144 plane take off from a carrier.
yeah it was just a thought but it would be sick still to kamikaze you would have to be extremly rich to afford the 100 dollars a plane. but maybe in the future.
Side Topic: The largest airplane to take off and land on a carrier was/is a C-130 circa 1963. The C130 wingspan is 132', nearly twice the wingspan of the B-25.
True dat. From the reports of the testing, I wonder why they didn't use it for COD. Sounds like it did great, even without a hook.
You know how the navy is, they can't stand the thought of using stinky airforce or army equipment. Mike D
From what I read of the testing, the C-130 pilots didn't like landing on carriers But why the Navy would stoop to using AF or Army equipment is beyond me
Maybe don't even put controls on the planes, just launch them off the flight deck like darts. But a pointy nose on them so they can penetrate the balsa. Although it would look wierd having a plane sticking out of your super structure.
If the Navy was "too stuck up," they wouldn't have tried. Maybe the logistics of CLEARING THE FLIGHT DECK just to get mail and a few personnel aboard seemed a lot of effort for a small return.
Perhaps it was, then. I wonder if they would have continued landing C-130's if they had the fuel-air weapons available to them today. Those things make a much bigger bang than the fast-burner phantoms with napalm bombs.