Deck Fasteners

Discussion in 'Construction' started by McSpuds, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    Because I always make my decks where the lids set into the deck, I have a nice inside edge to place some inserts for thumb screws.
    Here is how I make and install the deck fasteners. It's a easy way to make some nice thumb screws to hold down your deck lids.
    I use 6-32 size bolts, knobs, and inserts. I also only use brass because the steel stuff will rust over time.... plus I need to solder the parts.....
    The parts can be found at most hardware stores. I have found that Home Depot does not carry the thumb knobs, or the inserts. I can get all of the items at Lowes.
    For each fastener you will need a thumb knob, screw, and a insert.

    Depending on the thickness of the deck lid, you will need to cut the bolt down a little. I cut the bolt leaving the head on it... may be able to use it for something later on...

    I then add flux to the end of the bolt and run the bolt into the thumb knob. I use a vise to hold the parts as I solder....

    Apply the heat and solder to the top of the knob..... My two young captains are learning how to solder today!


    They didn't do too bad.. I normally leave a nice pool og solder on the top as it looks cleaner....

    Now to attach the inserts.... You will of course need two sizes of drill bits, one for the deck lid and a larger one for the insert going into the subdeck...

    I mark my spots in the corners and if the deck is long I add a couple in the middle.

    Then I place the deck on the ship and drill all the way through with the smaller bit....

    This way all the holes will line up nicely...

    Then go back and drill out the subdeck with the larger bit to accommodate the insert.

    Now for the inserts... you will first try to use them as they are designed.... to use a screw driver in the slotted end and "screw" the insert into the hole... I find that 90% of the time the slots will break.... so instead of using a screwdriver, I just use the new thumb screws I made...

    I run the insert onto the thumb screw backwards because I no longer need that slotted end... so I run it into the wood first leaving a nice end for the top...

    I start the insert and then apply a generous amount of that sticky crap they call CA Glue...

    I then run the insert into the hole... sometimes a little force is needed...

    When the thumb screw sits on the deck, stop and wait a few till the glue dries...

    Then back out the thumb screw.....

    I sand the top a little....

    and tada..... a nice threaded thumb screw and insert... looks good on the deck as well.....


    almost forgot... I also round the ends just a little so they will line up easy into the inserts....
  2. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    Looks good, I do something similar, but with tee-nuts instead of the brass inserts, and i use machine screws with wingnuts, soldered together for the screw. They dont look as pretty as yours, but they cost a lot less per and I can back them out and put them in with a little ryobi driver I keep in the pond bag, and I canstill easily work them by hand thanks to the wingnuts.

    Have you compared the cost of assembling a thumb screw this way vs just buying a thumb screw off the shelf? (such as )
  3. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I use plastic screen door fasteners :)
  4. Tanaaris

    Tanaaris Active Member

    Oct 11, 2013
    Nice guide!
    No later than yesterday I was roaming the fastener section of my home depot to get bright idea on how to attach my deck on my first boat. While the first cut is not made I wanted to plan ahead and have enough material to support it.

    Up to reading you, I had to option:
    -cabinet door magnet (which I did not particularly liked)
    -steel insert (that you have to hammer in..) and regular screw. Did not liked the risk of breaking the subdeck during the insertion process, and the requirement of a tool to attach the deck pond side.

    You just gave me a much better alternative!
  5. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    My only issue with those very nice looking fasteners is that it takes more time to get a section open. Not critical when doing maintenance, but if there's smoke coming from inside...
  6. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    Been there, done that... :woot:

    At IRCWCC Spring regionals in 2002, for my QE2, I was using a clear Otter box for my receiver and other water sensitive items like the gun/poppet firing.. (no kips in that ship). I was having control issues so pulled it to the side and opened up the ship... I couldn't see any of the internal stuff inside the otterbox because it was grey.... :whistling: Yep, like a dumbass, I had to "pop" the lid on the otterbox... :doze: yep, when combustible material that has a heat source, finally gets a good supply of air... bad things happen!:confused:o_O Carl M saved me that day by loaning me a couple of servos to replace what I lost in the box. He also gave me a nice new toy that I still use today... A bilge pump that kicks butt! Too bad Carl didn't have any spare eyebrows, I could have used them too! :crying:
  7. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    OMG hahaha :)
  8. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    Yep, that was a bad day at the pond. It was at Greenbriar and the tents are on the top of a small hill by the pond.. Captains that saw it from the tent said it looked like a mini Baker Test! :cry:
    I think about that incident every time I open up a otter box.. I am permanently mentally scared for life.. sorta like PSD! :woot:
  9. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Get a kitten. Kittens very helpful with PTSD.

    I had a 'dry' box fail me once, and have never used one since. It also lets me grab burning hot electronics more easily :) What are a few burns in the course of a battle? :)
  10. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    What do you use to waterproof the reciever?
  11. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA

    I don't know what Tug uses, but its probably the same as me: Skotchkote. Lots and lots of wonderful gooey, stinky, Skotchkote.
  12. McSpuds

    McSpuds Vendor

    Aug 22, 2011
    Louisville, Ky
    I will have to check this stinky stuff out...:blink:
  13. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I actually epoxy pot my receivers with West. Works really well on ESCs too. I have a can of Skotchkote that gets used on servos.
  14. tgdavies

    tgdavies Active Member

    Jan 7, 2012
    I also pot my ESCs and receivers with West.

    My servos I fill with Baby Oil -- I haven't been doing that long enough to be dogmatic about it, but it has worked for four or five sinks. (that's only a couple of meets for me :)

    I still have corrosion problems with my servo leads and where my power cables are soldered into the pins in my EC-2 connectors.