Deutschland Class pocket battleships

Discussion in 'Photos & Videos' started by vicious p, May 25, 2010.

  1. vicious p

    vicious p Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2008
    Greensboro NC
    Since im ordering parts for converting my DKM Graf Spee from big gun over to fast gun:p i was wondering if anyone had any nice shots of there ship in this class? Id also be really interested in some internal shots if anyone has any. thanks
    I know there are alot of this class out there so lets see some pictures!
  2. vicious p

    vicious p Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2008
    Greensboro NC
    Well heres a few pictures of mine that i rushed together for a battle this weekend. Ended up getting canceled because rob is scared of rain apparently, but it turned out to be a nice sunny day. So 3 of us headed to a pond owned by my uncle to get are battling fix. Didn't get any action shots, but we had my Graf Spee, a DKM sharny, and an Invincible. We all sunk and had alot of fun. Overall very happy with my cruiser and the way it handled and battled. I never thought id like it after running my Bismarck but its so much less maintenance and easier getting in and out of the water it will probley see alot of action.

    Not to mention its actually capable of sinking other ships to my surprise. The stepped deck allows you to get some down angle when you swing them out 15 degrees and are more than capable of easily getting belows.

  3. Mark41

    Mark41 Active Member

    Jan 22, 2008
    Orillia, Ontario , Canada
    I'd like to post some photos of Deutschland class ships I've built but cannot figure out how to post them on here. I can send some to you if you contact me at wercops at rogers dot com.