Faa Di Bruno build

Discussion in 'Warship Builds' started by HMTOlympic, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. HMTOlympic

    HMTOlympic Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    im new to this sport and am still debating on which should be my first ship, ik i have to stay within 1900-1945 commission. im trying to do a unique ship and have a few good ones. i recently have been thinking of trying to start simple until i get a hang on the scale translations to field handling so i thought that using the Faa` Di Bruno would be a good start. she was a floating battery basically top speed of 3.3knots with 2 15in guns on a single turret. i thought this ship, while slow, would be a good stratiegic start due to her low profile making her a harder target with some fairly large guns to bite back with. also she only has one turret so it will be easy for me to keep track of the rotation set so i may better my readyness to try the next target, i know for a fact that at the speed she is set to will make her a sitting duck and many will try to sink it first because it appers to be the easiest. the only problem im running into is the lack of information to build an accurate hull shape from and that i dont know how to setup the electronics. if there is somebody nearby jacksonville florida that can help me with the build itself that would be nice. if you have anyother tips that would be helpfull thank you.
  2. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Major issue is that ships receive units based on their as-built configuration. Guess how Faa di Bruno served in the early years? ;)

    Hint: She started life as an unarmed garbage scow. Literally.

    Best bet is to find a nice ship and build something that's allowed to be armed.
  3. rocketsmith

    rocketsmith Member

    Oct 30, 2010
    Latrobe Pa.
  4. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    My bad... converted from a floating crane. Unarmed.

    For those who've been around, this came up before, and the gentleman who built it battled it like one time. He says because it was too tough for people to sink. As was pointed out (by myself and others) at the time, it's not legal for use as a combat ship.

    [EDIT] Lest anyone think that I am down on Daniel, my warning about the legality of Faa Di Bruno is in attempt to keep him from spending time, effort, and money on a non-legal ship, not to beat on him. I don't want him to wind up with a ship that's not legal for battle without having been warned first.
  5. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS
    Might I sugges a nice Armored Cruiser! :D
  6. rocketsmith

    rocketsmith Member

    Oct 30, 2010
    Latrobe Pa.
    Herr Professor, please check out the Dieselpunks link. There were two "monitors" before the Faa, one converted from a garbage barge, one converted from a crane. Both wrecked. A marine architect then designed the Faa. She was designed from the start to be a warship- a really slow and ugly one, but a warship nonetheless.
    The first thing we need to know is what ruleset he intends to fight under. I am not familiar with Fast Gun rules, but I believe they require fixed guns on a platform this small, and he mentions learning to control turret rotation- a feature of Big Gun or Battlestations. Then again, iirc, the Fast Gun rule for small ships like destroyers having guns aimed only forward or astern along the centerline is a safety issue, so the guns never aim upward on such a tippy platform, as in a sharp turn. The Faa would not have this problem. A waiver *****MIGHT***** be obtainable, but I would ask before building. In Big Gun it's not a problem.
    I'm sorry to hear that the Faa was retired because it was to tough to sink. Decisions like that do not help the hobby, imho. Solving tactical problems on the fly makes for better opponents through the learning experience and better battles in the future.
    Then again, maybe smarter axis captains isn't such a good idea...:p
  7. HMTOlympic

    HMTOlympic Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    i had never considered it would be illegal to use, from what i had learned before i was to believe we could use any ship commissioned 1900-1945. its hard for me to go on rule sets in my area because im still trying to find an active group that will respond to my messages. i like to use unique ships, so im kind of aiming towards older ships that were still under commission in the allowed time frame. would the Affondatore be legal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_battleship_Affondatore
  8. rocketsmith

    rocketsmith Member

    Oct 30, 2010
    Latrobe Pa.
    The Faa is not illegal, it's just been overlooked or misunderstood up to now. She is not even in the Treaty or BBS ship lists. And under Big Gun she would get a speed increase to the minimum-maximum warship speed, so not such a sitting duck.
    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure a civil-war era ironclad is not legal in any format.
  9. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    I'll check the Dieselpunk site when I get home because the Army firewall blocks the site (boo! sss!)(we hates the firewall). The research earlier had the FdB being the converted scow and they were deemed illegal because ships are rated as-built in fast gun, even if rebuilt later to a higher standard. Even if built as a combat vessel, it would be a very light monitor, which means slow and one fixed gun, as you point out. Not really a lot of fun.

    In Big Gun, it would be difficult to arm due to the small size and the amount of gas required to fire big gun cannons. Single-shot cannons would be doable, but not very fun in that platform. It'd also be whatever the minimum speed is, which is pretty slow, with one prop and one rudder (I think, have to look at the earlier build to see if that's accurate).

    Daniel, some of us have been lobbying to extend the legal time period back into the 1890's, which would allow several very cool ships. I like building unique ones myself, so I feel your pain. If you are looking for something unusual, I may be able to help you find plans. Send me a pm with your requirements :) The Affondatore is waaay outside the legal years :( which go off of when the ship was commissioned, not when it was in commission. I don't entirely agree with the way it is, but it's the way it is.

    Where are you located?
  10. NickMyers

    NickMyers Admin RCWC Staff

    Nov 15, 2007
    Federal Way, WA
    I wouldn't bet on getting a waiver to put a sidemount on a monitor in any of the fast-gun formats. Any way you look at it though, monitors are not really useful warships in this hobby. They're slow, lightly armed (in any format). You'll spend the majority of the battle waiting or trying to catch up to someone. I'd build something bigger.

    As to whether it began life as a piece of floating detritus... Conway's (pg 288 of the 1906-1921 book) does imply it was a purpose built warship, both by a note 'Designed by' and an omission of any information about it being ex-anythingelse (which they seem consistent about noting for captured or converted vessels).

    You say you like the more unique ships, I would look at some of the french pre-dreads. Some very interesting and legal ships, that would be more feasible for arming and utility in battle.
  11. rocketsmith

    rocketsmith Member

    Oct 30, 2010
    Latrobe Pa.
    You might want to reread the build thread too. You had everything right back then. I understand you are still dealing with the "incident" with the Polygnostic University Girls Basketball Teem (btw, I thought the whole "health issues" thing was a brilliant cover story. Any kids yet?) but still, we expect better from Herr Professor.:)
  12. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Maybe I'm getting more crotchety with age... but it was the girl's SOCCER team ;) They broke my heart, tho ;) Twice. :(

    The French predreads are definitely cool and unusual. Also, the Greek ACR Giorgios Averoff.
  13. HMTOlympic

    HMTOlympic Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    tug i am located in orange park florida, a few hundred yards from the st johns river.
    i have sorted out transportation as i now own my own cheverolet surburban.
    i didnt know it was sorted by the day they were commissioned i had been lead to beleive it meant the span of the ship's career, even then i have a few i could use.
    the one i will eventually build is of a similar design to BB39 but in the middle she has 2 extra main guns affixed in a diagonal turret layout, Colossus i think was her name, i only had considered this one due to the diagonal turret layout as i fin thos fun to fight with. but to start im trying to stay small like early destroyer or a simple aircraft carrier because the one i had found was build to use a sidewheeler propulsion sysytem but im not sure the rules on carreirs.
    hell i would buy a used liberty ship to start, i am making enough money to buy the parts i need i just dont have the knowledge to put together the electronics side of it.
    i have to pay somebody to build it for me anyways seeing as there is a lack of tools sold in town or the proper space to build one unless i was to rent a storage unit. im in contact with a metal worker so i can fabricate metal hulls, i even have a viable motor and battery to put below decks for a small transport. i just need to know the specifics for restrictions so i know where to go.
    i have many a book of ships spanning the ages for plenty a selection. i guess my main problem is ive been studying and designing ships for so long its hard for me to scale it down to this feet per 100 thing or rotation speed. if anybody is close enough to me maybe i could barrow there workshop for the construction of my ships.
  14. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS
    HMS Colossus. A fine dreadnought. One of the few plans sets I retained.
  15. irnuke

    irnuke -->> C T D <<--

    Dec 1, 2011
    York, SC
    You're in luck, since you're in Jax area. There's a bunch of very wise & friendly battlers in your area: Several in Sanford / Orlando area. There's also a few other guys just getting into the hobby in the Jax / SE Georgia area, and a few former big-gun players now going fast gun based at Kings Bay.
  16. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    And if you're willing to drive, Statesboro, Ga is not TOO far from Jax and you can come to build sessions, where we have loads of tools...
  17. HMTOlympic

    HMTOlympic Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    can you give me thier emails or areas they meet often so i may talk to them please
  18. HMTOlympic

    HMTOlympic Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    im off work tomorrow so i will have the time to make it there, i already have a 12 volt battery and a large motor for proplusion. ill just start with a liberty ship, can i have the list of other parts i will need and an address for the meeting spot. thank you
  19. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Kotori and Gascan in the forums here are at Kings Bay navy base... you can pm them on here. I think Gascan is at sea, but Kotori is home from deployment, so he won't be going to sea for a while.
  20. Astrosaint

    Astrosaint Active Member

    Sep 23, 2012
    Astatula, Florida, USA
    I live in Lake County Florida. If you do build the Faa' de Bruno, I would give that ship a try with my USS Michigan. I already have the pond and I live a great deal closer to you.:)