fireing range

Discussion in 'Weapons & Pneumatics' started by gunsnrosesx, Mar 2, 2012.

  1. gunsnrosesx

    gunsnrosesx Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    so i came up with a broad idea, probably already used but if not i beleive its simple veryu broad and basic. my idea is that manual positioning cannons can have acurate shots if the captain knows what angle to place them at. if you figure out the distance of a ship say 3ft away there is a perfect angle to aim the cannon to hit below the water line, correct? id say test your canons and figure out distances so you can have set angles on your turet so when ur out on the water u have good feel of wats in range. the reason y it is broad an simple is because you will always have way and if you take on water your range decreases . i figure though if you have a good sence of where your shot is going it will make you a better shot obviously. again not sure if anyone has done it but if not as soon i get my cannons and have them instaled i will be testing my theory.
    also they used this idea in a broad way on ww2 weapons with iron sights with how many yards the target is and it worked farly well due to how simple it is.
  2. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Hi Love 1Z evol,

    What you just described is generally what we do. With enough experience, a good skipper will know where his cannons hit the water, and then move his ship so that the opponent's hull is right on that spot. Fast Gun ships often omit rotation and depression to emphasize this even further. Without those two controls, that is really all you can do, and it works very well. The best Big Gunners that I know of will usually set their rotation and depression while approaching a fight, fire a test shot to spot the range, then only make minor adjustments after that. As we often say, "point the guns then aim the ship".
  3. gunsnrosesx

    gunsnrosesx Member

    Sep 11, 2011
    Thats pretty cool, yea i wasn't sure what goes on during the hobby im just learning and i figured that would be a really affective way of firing and sinking your opponent, Thank you for filling me in.