I found some ship hull looks like its for combat.http://www.ebay.com/itm/Giant-Wooden-Model-RC-Ship-Hull-Nautical-Watercraft-Vessel-/290972069952?pt=Radio_Control_Vehicles&hash=item43bf497040
Also found pans for a torp boat http://www.ebay.com/itm/WW2-Italian-MAS-562-Torpedo-Boat-PLANS-Vinteage-RC-Model-Ship-Plans-/321206060621?hash=item4ac95f864d
The first link has already been posted and discussed on this board, recently too (http://www.rcnavalcombat.com/Forum/tabid/58/aff/537/aft/443246/afv/topic/Default.aspx). I think most of us know there are plans available on ebay as well, you don't need to post them unless its something noteworthy. A lot of them aren't of the greatest quality anyways.
Google Image Search will help you find those plans elsewhere. The Torpedo Boat is at http://www.john-tom.com/RCPowerBoats/PowerBoatPlans/TorpedoBoat/mas_562.pdf