I've been wondering if anybody had come up with an alternative magazine concept, especially since my haymaker's mag has gone and crapped out on me. Lo and behold, it did happen. what's the parts list on this mag setup? are you using a barbed attachment and 1/4 tubing and a PTA on the end?
yeppers. it's the same sort of hard tubing that we use for the main CO2 lines, but instead of 1/8", it's 1/4" which has an inside diameter the same as our standard copper mag tubes (0.19)
that's the next item on my grocery list. Steve posted a link on my build page for the 1/4" hose if you need it
FYI, the coiled tubing doesn't feed bb's out of the box. It needs to be prepped for that. This involved squeezing the tubing along it's length in a flat faced vice to open it up. Since nylon tends to go back to it's original shape, I wasn't expecting this to hold but it did feed bb's a few days after the process. I haven't checked since but I'll pull it out of the box tonight and see if it's still feeding bb's.