Whoops forgot the "t" in further.... oh well... it's kinda funny... don't wanna fix it now... For those keeping tabs school now starts October 14th... I get to make sure everything is ready for then. I got some amazing news and some outstanding news! Amazing news: Spoke with city hall today and made a new contact. He had heard of our battles over the weekend and wanted things furher (there I go again) explained. So I did. He said there was absolutely no issue for any of the ponds or lakes to be used and then gave me the outstanding news. I will have to let you speculate for now. Chris E. and Curt know what it is so far.... I will respond with the final word on this in the coming days. Could be really really good for future battles here! Signing off... Jack
Craig, burn him a copy of a few of the better movie clips for PR purposes. And next time we should try to get a small table setup with an open boat and some photo albums for the curious walk-ons to look at. Oohhh, and business cards with a link to this website for further info. ...and an easel with big sign and event name. ...and, and a blackboard with list of ships and classes... ....and, and FREE DONUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who doesn't love donuts........ hmmmmmmmmmmm..............What! Sounds likea plan there... Mackster...
Let's have a timmy's with that! Latest update: We have been invited to a model show in Miramichi. As the only sponsered display, we will be going up on the second day of the show. I'll be sending a dvd video and forwarding some literature along so they can get a static display set up for us. We will go up on Sunday and do our thing. Chris and I will go up and if he can Chris O and Phil will come as well. Four Battleships for sure. Chuck can we take Malaya along? Should be fun. It will be good for them to get the return traffic paying through the door twice and we'll have people coming specifically to meet with us. That's the latest.
I believe the Dartmouth show has passed if that is the one you mean. I thought it was in Novemeber last year though.
Ok..... sounds like we are going to be busy.... another show in Novemeber... and we may be the guest of honor again... here in Fredericton!