ground convertion freq. mod.

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by sarges_heroes2003, May 7, 2008.

  1. sarges_heroes2003

    sarges_heroes2003 Member

    Feb 12, 2008
    I have contacted JR about getting my F400 air radio changed to ground freq. and there tech. replied to day (it is note worthy that is has been one whole week since I contacted them) and told me, "the s400 did not work on any other freq. than 72 MHZ". just flat out told me it was not possible.
    I replied letting them know it was a F400 and not the s400, that a lone kind of p***ed me off. they just assume I have the current product and not an older model.[}:)]
    Then flatly lying to my face that it can not be done, then goads me to look at there new car/boat radios.[}:)][}:)]

    Be ware JR and there "help" they are many things I should not repeat on this family forum!!!!1
  2. Bob

    Bob Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    You should try Radio South. I have heard good things about their price, quality of work and turn around time. Though I have never used them. If it can be done they can do it. They should give you the straight scoop as they are not looking to sell you a new one.
  3. sarges_heroes2003

    sarges_heroes2003 Member

    Feb 12, 2008
    looking into radio south, thanks. Down with JR!!!!!!
  4. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Not to be poop in the Post Toasties, but while it's 100% possible, it's also 100% cheaper (or more) to buy a new radio than to convert an air band radio to a surface frequency. Hell, it's half the price of a new radio just to get a surface 75MHz radio retuned within the surface freq band! (Yes that's at Radio South, not knocking them, just saying that's the price. I know they do good work.) Actually changing from 72MHz to 75MHz will require several new parts, which is not the same as tweaking the radio to retune it in-band. I'd be shocked if they do it for under $100. So while JR gave you no satisfaction, I think you're going to be needing a new radio in any case.
  5. sarges_heroes2003

    sarges_heroes2003 Member

    Feb 12, 2008
    so where to get a 6 channel radio that is set up like an air radio and on the ground freq.
  6. Bob

    Bob Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2007
    For 75mhz Futaba has a 7 channel that is programable and has all the fancy switches for plains & heli. Has way more then you need for a ship. It's around $240
    Airtronics has the VG600, not as programable but much cheaper.
    There is the Spectrum on 2.4ghz. It is 6 channel. Has all the stuff the ships need (Adjustible end points), but not a lot of features that they don't. I think these are $200
    Futaba also has a 2.4ghz 6 channel programable radio. I have not played with this one but have heard it works well.
    2.4ghz will keep you form having to buy crystals. The RX are tiny. But they don't go through water well. When you sink sometimes you can't fire the guns to find the ship.
    75mhz will go through water but you need to be aware of the conflicts before big battles.
    You can buy the Futaba ones at Tower Hobbbies on line. Sign up and put it on your wish list. They'll send you an e-mail coupon that will save you $10-$25.
    Or go to search for specture on line.
    I would have got a 2.4ghz this winter instead of a new Futaba but I have so many ships and RX is was just too much cash to change all of them. Of course after I bought it they had a sale with cheap or free extra RX.
  7. Gettysburg114th

    Gettysburg114th Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    I would look at the new 2.4 gig radios. I hear they are doing very well.
  8. sarges_heroes2003

    sarges_heroes2003 Member

    Feb 12, 2008
    radio south said I am looking at $30 for the work, + crystals and shipping. $30(work)+$20(crystals)+$10(shipping)=$60 total, I will still need the buttons to do the button mod before I am done wit teh radio. This doesn't look so bad after all!!

    thanks all, I will keep you posted!!!
  9. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    Wow, that's great, Sarge! At that price, I may send a radio myself :)
  10. wrenow

    wrenow RIP

    Jul 30, 2007

    Hmmm. They need to read their own FAQs on the Futaba site. Visit this site

    where it says:
    IF YOUR RADIO IS MODULAR, such as an 8U, 9C, or 9Z, then your system will work fine on ground by simply purchasing the ground module, TJ, on a ground frequency (FUTL18** with the last 2 digits being your desired ground channel) and then use it with a ground receiver.

    If your radio is NOT MODULAR (uses a simple crystal to set its frequency and not a plug in frequency module in the back of the radio), then, alternatively we offer a flat rate service to change certain 72MHz air radios to ground to provide you, the modeler, more flexibility for your ground vehicle.

    For a flat fee of plus $7.99 shipping:

    * Complete computer radio systems: $35*
    * Complete non-computer radio systems: $25*
    * Computer transmitter or module only: $20
    * Non-computer transmitter only: $15
    * 7-9 Receiver only: $20*
    * 2-6 Channel receiver only: $15

    *NOTE: If your receiver is an R127DF or an R138DP the cost to convert to 75MHz is the figure shown above PLUS $44.95 to cover the cost of parts changes required in these receivers to make it function on the other band. For example, a 6X radio system sent for conversion would be $35 plus $44.95, or $79.95, to convert to ground. A R138DP alone would cost $64.95. For these 2 receivers, it is likely more logical and cost effective to purchase a new receiver on the proper band and sell the receiver you have or use it for a different purpose.

    Please be sure to follow our service center instructions when sending your radio for service. Please note if you are purchasing a brand new radio, your dealer can special order this change to be done in advance prior to shipment to you.

    Of course, for about $30 or less, you can get a nice 6 channel computer radio TX already on 75Mhz with 1-4 being analog (2 joysticks) and 5 and 6 being dual pushbuttons. Work with a lot of Futaba SC receivers and others (which is good because the packaged RX is kind of useless). Info is on the web site under How Tos and then Vex Radios. For grins, I plan to convert at least one to 2.4Ghx using an XPS Xtremelink module.

  11. Gettysburg114th

    Gettysburg114th Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    That is some very go information you came up with there Wreno. Thanks for posting.
    I'm looking at the Futaba 2.4gig.