Hallo I'm new...but

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Jake Potter, Aug 19, 2024.

  1. Jake Potter

    Jake Potter New Member

    Aug 19, 2024
    Hamburg Germany
    Living in Germany

    Hoping to bring this hobby sport to Germany! And wanting to make a club in Hamburg.

    Please can you help me understand more :)

    Many thanks

  2. tgalx3

    tgalx3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2010
    Snohomish, WA

    I wish you all the luck in the world getting started.

    I would first check the legality of pneumatic BB guns in your area. Second, read the rules thoroughly because you will be the boots on the ground person that people talk to. Third, you’re gonna have to build a boat and understand how that whole process works. Finally, you’re gonna need to find a pond, which from experience is the hardest thing to do. It has to be fairly shallow that people can retrieve their boats. It has to be semi secluded so innocent bystanders don’t get hit with BBs. Finally, it should be somewhere that doesn’t have a lot of weeds. On a sidenote, you might have better luck getting a friend or family member to do it with you. That way you’re not scrambling to find somebody to battle with.

    On a personal note I love Germany. I’ve been there several times. It is an absolutely beautiful country. If you need help getting things going I could be talked into flying over there for a vacation.
  3. Jake Potter

    Jake Potter New Member

    Aug 19, 2024
    Hamburg Germany
    Thank you :)

    That's very helpful information to help me getting started here. Thank you!
    Luckily where I am are a few ponds and lakes. But convincing my fellow Germans to go to battle again on the high seas might be a little difficult hahah :D But certainly will give it a shot ;)
    Still trying to figure out making the BBs fire but will get there haha
    Yes we are holding on to what is beautiful here. But certainly the South and Bayern is beautiful. Hamburg were I am...abit flat and boring but home to Bismarck haha :D
    Where do you live which part of USA? I'd love to travel one day to USA :)

    Thank you for your message and interest and help :)
    Best wishes Jake
  4. SteveT44

    SteveT44 Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2009
    BB guns (airguns) are regulated in the EU by Joules energy of the projectile. Anything under 7.5 Joules can be used without a permit. You'll have to figure out if our little homemade pop-guns shooting .177 caliber steel BB's at 150psi comes close to this. I don't think they do.
  5. Iunnrais

    Iunnrais Active Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    If you take an average BB as having a mass of .343434223g, you'll need to accelerate it to over 675fps (205 meters/sec)to get close to that 7.5 Joules. (I might have done some indicative math back in the MWC days). You'd want to have that verified though by a source valid in Germany.
  6. Jake Potter

    Jake Potter New Member

    Aug 19, 2024
    Hamburg Germany
    Thank you for you help :) Yes (Germany rules related) Category 3: Free for ages 18 and up - Airsoft guns with an energy level up to max. 7.5 joules. That includes CO2 power. Buuuttttt
    The acquisition and possession of gas and signal guns, which comply with approved designs under § 8 Beschussgesetz and bear a PTB approval mark, remain permit-free from the age of 18. According to § 10 para. 4 sentence in conjunction with Annex 2 Section 2 Subsection 3 No. 2 and 2.1 WaffG-new, carrying gas and signal guns outside one's own home and fenced property is only permitted with a small arms permit.

    Any shooting outside shooting ranges requires a permit. Shooting outside shooting ranges is only permissible without a shooting permit (§12 para. 4 WaffG).

    1. Acquisition and possession of compressed air, spring-powered, and CO2 guns
      Acquisition and possession of compressed air, spring-powered, and CO2 guns over 7.5 joules requires a license (WBK) (see § 2 para. 2 WaffG).
      Acquisition and possession of compressed air, spring-powered, and CO2 guns under 7.5 joules, marked with an F, is permit-free and possible from the age of 18 (Annex § 2 para. 1 and 2 in conjunction with Annex 2, Section 2, Subsection 2 No. 1.1).
      The same applies to the acquisition and possession of compressed air, spring-powered, and CO2 guns manufactured before January 1, 1970, or in the area mentioned in Article 3 of the Unification Treaty before April 2, 1991, and brought into trade in accordance with the applicable regulations at that time (Annex § 2 para. 1 and 2 in conjunction with Annex 2, Section 2, Subsection 2 No. 1.2).

    2. Carrying compressed air, spring-powered, and CO2 guns
      The carrying of compressed air, spring-powered, and CO2 guns (regardless of energy/joule level) requires a license. A person carries a weapon only if they exercise actual control over the weapon outside their own home, business premises, or fenced property. Pursuant to § 12 para. 3 No. 2 WaffG, no permission is required for carrying if the weapon is not ready to fire and not readily accessible and is being transported for a purpose covered by the respective need or in connection therewith (e.g., transport to a gunsmith or shooting range).

    3. Shooting with compressed air, spring-powered, and CO2 guns
      Any shooting outside shooting ranges requires a license (§ 12 para. 4 sentence 1 WaffG).

    4. Exceptions under § 12 para. 4 No. 1 WaffG: Shooting outside shooting ranges without a shooting permit is permissible by the holder of the property rights or with their consent on their fenced property with firearms whose projectiles have a kinetic energy of no more than 7.5 joules, provided that the projectiles cannot leave the property.

    So looking not that hopeful sadly not got the freedoms RIP :S
    But thank you for your help :D sadly Germany cant have fun without alot of hoops and hurdles...