Has anyone used some of the thin balsa sheets to sheet the bottom of the hull and then fiberglass it? I was thinking about it and at least in my inexperienced eyes it should work fine because the glass will cover and strengthen it anyways. maybe an extra layer of glass? Any pros/cons would be greatly apperciated. I have now done both planking (ship had to be shelved do to mistakes in the hull dimensions) and the balsa blocking then sanding (Impero is already for sea trail just waiting on guns). I have attempted to work with the thin thin ply but was not exactly thrilled with it. Jon
I did that on the littorio... balsa block/planking combo depending on the region of the hull... but I used 2 layers of 5oz kevlar cloth on the outside,then I broke up the balsa on the inside and put strips down. I broke up the balsa on the inside to disrupt the water absorbtion path should it ever find its way into the balsa. there is still balsa there but no direct path for water to move
I used the balsa block method seen in the bearn build thread on Impero. But I am wondering if anyone has ever just used the balsa sheet like fastgunners use for sheeeting on the bottom area and then fiberglassed. does it mater what the bottom is sheeted in if you are going to fiber glass anyways?
Part of my Maru is done that way. Has held up to the abuse just fine. Really doesnt matter what is under your fiberglass if your fiberglass is good.
i did two, dont remember the weight of the cloth, was on the thick side (just cheapo stuff from the hardware store, nothing special). 2 was probably overkill given the cloth thickness.