Has Anyone Ever built one of these

Discussion in 'Ship Comparison' started by U571, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. U571

    U571 Member

    May 7, 2008
  2. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Very small to build in 1/144 scale. I'd be highly surprised if one has been built.
  3. Knight4hire

    Knight4hire Active Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Well, if a 144 scale PT is only 6 inches long and has been built, (Unarmed)
    Then why not this ship.
    It would be over 16 inches long!
    Difficult to arm.... How would the rockets be simulated????
  4. U571

    U571 Member

    May 7, 2008
  5. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    um... not really, no... You could probably get 1 cannon on there, possibly a fast-gun-style cannon, CO2 cartridge, etc. But a Big Gun cannon? no way. The ship would sink under its own weight, if not capsize first. Destroyers in the 2000 ton to 3000 ton range are hard enough to build for Big Gun. This thing is a hair over 1,000 tons at deep load. There simply isn't enough displacement to support the necessary equipment.

    You could run it as a transport. I've built smaller ones, so the running gear for this one would be no problem. Much more than that, though, and you'll be pushing your luck.
  6. Knight4hire

    Knight4hire Active Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    I have been playing with a Mogador. and I have been able to fit enough equipment into the hull to arm two cannons!
    As long as I do not have the superstructure installed, she floats perfectly in the bath tub! Yes, right at the wateline and no ballast needed.
  7. eighthgear

    eighthgear Member

    Mar 29, 2009
    Isn't the Mogador more suited for torpedos, since I doubt her cannons would do much damage to a battleship?
  8. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    bb cannons are perfectly capable of riddling a battleship. They just don't do very well at putting holes in the bottom of the "red". I know a Dunkerque in the WWCC with an 8-banger bb cannon in the back (two quad turrets from a single cannon, CNC-machined by me as a class project) that does very well with its bb cannons. It took him a little bit to get the range dialed in and his tactics right, but now I hear people complaining to him about having to dig all those bbs out of their ships and superstructure.

    On a destroyer, I would only seriously consider arming the bow cannon. The stern cannon is too close to the water, and in any sort of choppy water, one wave is all it takes to drain a bb of its armor-penetrating energy. The bow cannon is mounted higher in the ship, and thus less susceptible to heavy seas. Tactically speaking, it depends on how maneuverable your ship is and the composition of the OpFor. If you're facing torpedo-cruisers and you're more maneuverable, then a bb cannon can be very helpful, so you can chase those cruisers around and harass them while they're trying to attack others. If you're less maneuverable, or facing heavily armored ships, then torpedoes are more desirable.
  9. Knight4hire

    Knight4hire Active Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Yes, I have been toying with arming the foward torps on the MOG.

    My thoughts were to arm the foward guns and go after convoy ships.
    Snice the MOG would be the fastest ship on the pond. I should be able to choose my engagements and stay away from any armed ships on the water.
  10. Nate G

    Nate G Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2009
    Bradford, PA
    1. I have built and run the Jap T-103 Fast attack transport as a convoy ship in IRCWCC. (plans from George Goff) It is quite similar in size and real life function. As such they are good examples of Class 1 convoy ships. In our scale (1/144) the light weight - about a pound-, narrow beam 1 - 1.5 inches, and shallow draft - .25 - .5 inches, make for a very unstable craft. A ship this size will bob and bounce in any wind and wave. It tends to heel dramatically and may not always recover when exiting a turn. I added displacement and lead in the bottom to get it to stay upright. It was fun to do but took some work and a few rebuilds until I learned the techniques. For propulsion (single prop) , I used a modified servo as a servo-drive with good result. With the LSM, you will need to put 2 small props under her and have 2 motors. Not impossible but a real exercise in miniature work even compared to a DD. I have toyed with building this ship as a good example of an Allied Class 1 convoy. It would be a simple hull to hot wire out of foam with templates. Don't even think about adding a cannon unless you have a rule set that allows adding several pounds of extra displacement.

    2. you might want to rename this thread Landing Ship, Medium LSM(R) so people know what it is about.

    If you decide to go ahead, good luck and add about 1/2 inch to the depth below the waterline.
