Hello from CT

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by DBerger, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. DBerger

    DBerger New Member

    Sep 16, 2009
    Hello all, my name is dan Berger, but just call me Berger.
    About me: I am 23 years old, I worked in the AutoCAD field before being laid off. I play tabletop wargaming (Warhammer, Warhammer 40k, and Flames of War). I have alot of modelling and painting knowledge. I run my own paintball team, The Connecticut Commandos, and have a vast knowledge of air systems (designed my own PVC LAW rocket laucnhers with a friend). My dad came from Germany in 1967 with his 4 brothers and parents. If I start this I would most be interested in a bismark. I would like to think with my extensive knowledge of how not to blow myself up with compressed air that I could possibly make some efficent gun turrents, or possibly electro ones from airsoft (I saw the thread seems doable).
    My plan is to buy revells Schnellboot model and R/C as a test run. After that My goal is to make a fully functional Bismark. My questions are this and forgive me I did not find any answers.
    Are their any guides to make Turrets and remote control systems for them?
    Are their any guides to R/Cing a boat in general.
    What is a good Bismark kit to start with?
    Do you always tape up the holes in the hull, or do you have balsa wood replacements that just go on after the day is out?
    What are styles of ships ( I see Big Guns used alot), what are the differences in rulesets?
    What are the primary scales of ships?
    Any comments or suggestions for someone just starting out, I do not want to say money is not an issue, but I have been ebaying lately and have some spare change and Im tired of starting new tabletop armies.
    Anyone else from CT? or anyone know of any clubs in the NY, RI, Mass area?

    Thanks for your time, I am excited to order a schnellboot model and hope to R/C by december is so I can start a Bismark and kick off spring with a blast.
  2. absolutek

    absolutek -->> C T D <<--

    Sep 6, 2009
    Ontario, Canada
    Hi Dan,
    For building various stuff related to this hobby I'd check out the knowledge base on this website (under the "members" menu). I don't know to much about big gun rules, but if you want to get into the fast gun side of this hobby you'll probably want to check out http://www.mwci.org and http://www.ircwcc.org (which probably have quite a few clubs in your general area I think). Most common scale seems to be 1/144, but there are some clubs that operate boats in 1/96 scale as well.

    The Bismarck is a very cool boat, I think both of the major vendors (http://www.strikemodels.com & http://www.battlersconnection.com) both have hulls available for it. However you'll probably find that a lot of other people seem to have that boat as well.

  3. Knight4hire

    Knight4hire Active Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Welcome Dan;

    Having a lot of questions is normal for a newbie. (Technically, I am one also) what they told me is to read, read, read! contact the local group. (Try clicking on members to find someone near you.) Get active with the local groups. Attend meets of the differnt tyoes of groups so you can see the different combat styles.

    from what I understand, the fast guns shoot .177 cal BB's and all ships have the same thickness hull. In BIG guns the ships move slower the thickness of the balsa depends on the ship's actual armor, and depending on the calibur of the actual ship will depend on what the ship will be shooting, be it .177 cal bb's up to 1/4 inch ball bearings.

    Again welcome.
  4. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Hello Berger,
    you are in a good area for combat and it seems like you have some of the skills / materials required to start. You will be able to get a big jump on the hobby. The club most dominate in your area (forgive me if I'm wrong) is Fast gun. IRCWCC ruleset. There is both local people and tri state area people that have regular meets. I am scheduling one for Oct 10th and I recommend you drive on up and see the action first hand. Bismarck is a great ship and I am also building one right now. There is a lot of knowledge on this subject so your questions can be answered.
    Again, welcome aboard and I hope to meet you soon,
    Rob A.
    NYBG Moderator
  5. DBerger

    DBerger New Member

    Sep 16, 2009
    Sounds great everyone. If you have more info on that meet it would be appreciated. October may work depending on how far. October is a rough month between Oktoberfest festivities and almost a paintball game every weeekend. I will see what I can do. Thanks again.
  6. Windrider0275

    Windrider0275 Member

    Nov 7, 2008

  7. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    Welcome aboard, I hail from the small state of CT (bristol actually). Im working slowly on a graf spee, although i have neither the time nor the money to continue in any real respect, so it is up for sale (sail?).
    any way, welcome aboard
  8. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Welcome to the hobby, and the site.
    If you can hook up with some of the locals in your area and actually see some boats, all of your questions would be answered in a way that would not be confusing.
    There are a few different scales, and several different formats. But we all build model boats, and try to sink our opponants.
    Good luck.
  9. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    That sounds good.
    Info is as follows
    Esopus, NY 12429
    10:00 until done, build in garage if it rains
    We have many meets so if you are busy there will be more. There are also quite a few of us around you so there will be something close by. I know Mass has a few active battlers and a pond and we just had Nats in Rhode Island. Fall regionals is taking place next weekend in Hagerstown, MD Feel free to check out the following web sites for more info on what our neck of the woods is up to.
  10. DBerger

    DBerger New Member

    Sep 16, 2009
    Thanks. Me and my Dad may try to stop up do you have an address for the event? he wants advice to make his Dumas PT-109 kit and im gonna start with Revells Schnellboot to get the R/C down then move up to a 1/350 bismark and then my battle ship hopefully. its proably about 1.5hours from me, Im right outside new haven CT, so if nothing else is going on, Me and my pops should be their.
  11. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Address is 10 Old Post Rd,Esopus, Ny 12429
    intersection of rt 9w and Old post rd will get you close enough to see the house. I will be posting more info as it grows closer, probably on NYBG yahoo site, check out there for pictures of boats and pond (I think). We look forward to seeing you and will be glad to answer questions about ships. When you get to see them up close a lot will be answered. (and more will be thought up....)
  12. DBerger

    DBerger New Member

    Sep 16, 2009
    sounds great! my pops and I are really planning on coming up unless theirs unseen issues but I doubt their will be any.
  13. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    That sounds good, I look forward to meeting you.
  14. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Here's the updated site info...
    they are replacing the bridge over the pond so there will also be a big ROAD CLOSED sign, just drive around it...

    Directions are as follows,
    > 10 Old Post Rd.
    > Esopus, NY 12429
    > NY thruway to New Paltz exit 18
    > turn right onto 299 east go 5.2 mile
    > turn left onto 9w north go 6 miles
    > Turn left onto Old Post Rd.
    > Old Post Rd. is right past Esopus fire dept on left (big green
    > building, red trim) Trailer lot on right
    > I am second house in, clay with white trim on right, 2 car attached
    > garage (If you cross rr tracks you are too far)
    > phone number 845-384-6734
  15. KeriMorgret

    KeriMorgret Facilitator RCWC Staff Vendor

    Jul 15, 2009
    Seattle, Washington
    Hi DBerger, are you going to be there on the 10th? My husband and I will be there. He's a mechanical engineer and is doing his own turret design, and I'm sure you two would have interesting things to talk about.
  16. DBerger

    DBerger New Member

    Sep 16, 2009
    thats the game plan. I am not a mechanical engineer but i am no stranger to blowing up bathtubs with "hydro-testing" we cleared the room and shut the door.
  17. DBerger

    DBerger New Member

    Sep 16, 2009
    Is this still planned for saturday? My dad and I are planning on coming up around 11 to noonish. Hes excited to talk to some people about building his boat.