
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by nubbie44, May 14, 2007.

  1. nubbie44

    nubbie44 New Member

    May 14, 2007
    Hi i'm new to all of this and i'm really wanting to get in the ship building aspect of this and play around with my ship before I start destroying it in a battle, so I was just wondering about how long would it take to build one from scratch and are their kits that you can buy?
  2. lalimerulez

    lalimerulez Member

    Apr 23, 2007
    hello and welcome. i dont have a ship but you can go to www.battlersconnection.com to buy "kits".
  3. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Welcome! Glad to have you aboard! We don't so much destroy them in battle; they are fairly easy to patch and repair after the battle is over.

    Mike D
  4. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    The most important thing right now is to know what club you are closest to. Different clubs have different rulesets, and some equipment that Battler's Connection sells is only usable in certain rulesets. Take a look at the Find A Local Club page
    or tell us where you are located. Once you know what club you will join, you can find out what ruleset they use. You can also contact them, attend a battle, and maybe even buy a used ship from them. Buying a used ship is by far the fastest way to get involved in the sport.

    Building your own ship, whether from a fiberglass "kit" from Battlers Connection, or a wooden scratchbuild, can take anywhere from a few months to several years, depending on your abilities, tools, and available time to build each week. For example, I spent over a year building the light cruiser Luigi Cadorna, because I could only build for a few hours each weekend, and also had to maintain my battleship Scharnhorst. Other people have put a new battleship on the water in three months.