Im not new to R/C building. Ive built several Plains and Hydroplain boats out of wood, but fighting Battle Ships is a hole new thing and im all full of questions. Hope to chat with evrery one. Thanks.
Welcome to the hobby, and this site. Any particular boat that you are interested in? Or nationality? Happy hunting. Mikey
Welcome! I saw in your profile you are from Washington. There are some active guys there, good times to be had! Mike B
I dont no just yet what Boat, but im thinking 1/144 scale. no no nationality yet so many boats to chose from. any sugestions?
yes i see there are several people close to me and hoping to get to no them and possibley look at some of there boats.
Hi Russell, welcome aboard! Were you able to make it out to one of our battles this year in either Bellevue (Coal Creek) or Tacoma (Swan Creek)? (If you did, we may have met, but I'm absolutely lousy with names, so my apologies in advance). If you haven't yet joined our events mailing list, pop over to and add yourself - the form is in the lower left of the page. This way you'll receive notices about battle,s build sessions, fun-floats and any gunnery / sailing events we may engage in. For battling, we are probably about done for the year. We're eyeballing a date in early November (6th) for a last battle at Coal Creek but it is going to depend on what the weather looks like as we get closer to it. We may hold some gunnery / maneuvering events over the winter and most likely a few build&bull sessions, and will announce those as they're decided on. Regarding your question about ships, I find that usually the first question to consider is what you prefer the look of. Different navies in different eras had very different looks to them. The next important set of questions are: how much room do you have, what fits in your car/truck/suv and how much weight can you physically pick up off the ground and carry?
You go Nick! Russel for you since you know something about building I suggest going to either or Bot totally awesome!
okay well since you are not new i suggest you getting possibly something like a heavy cruiser maybe the des moine.
I suggest not ordering a ship until you have a chance to meet up with us and chat about things. I'm not sure what youre thinking about right now, but you may find that your opinion changes after some time discussing thigns and poking at ships in person.
Zeke, if I were you, I'd defer to someone who has a bit more experience before suggesting particular boats to people. Best to get a couple of boat builds under your belt yourself first. I agree with Nick, best bet is to come meet up with some of the locals in the group you'll be battling.
Hay Zeke consider me just another noob remeber in rc plains and most boats your not sticking co2 and firing guns on. All servos and equipment has there own area to be in your not craming things into them. I will keep in mind the heavy cruiser and look more into them. thanks again for your sudgestion!
no problem. it is suppose to be a beginner boat for those who want some more firepower than a Brooklyn.
Any cruiser or dreadnaught can be a beginner boat. Heck, my first ship was a French WW2 battleship. Heh.