Help me build in Boston MA!

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by mbf2002, Sep 5, 2018.

  1. mbf2002

    mbf2002 New Member

    Sep 5, 2018
    New England
    Hi All,

    More years ago than I'd like to say, I bought a Swampworks MFG USS Houston Kit while I was in high school. I got part way through building it but life events and a few moves later and it fell to the back burner. My son and I were recently helping my parents move and I found my partially built ship, radio and lots of parts lovingly stored in their basement. I want to resurrect this ship, see it through and watch her sail in full glory. The reality is though, that I could really use help from an experienced builder to see this project through the right way. At the time, I was building it to IRCWCC rules.

    Does anyone know of an active club in the greater Boston area? Are there any folks out there with experience building these ships that could help look at what I've got and help steer me in the right direction to build this right and make a beautiful ship of it for my son and I to work with? My son has developed a big interest in this, and I'd love to use my experience building this ship out to help him with a small ship project of his own in the future.

    Thank you all!!!

    Boston, MA
  2. Anvil_x

    Anvil_x Well-Known Member

    Nov 4, 2017
    Athens, GA
    Hey Mike,

    You just described almost to the letter what happened to me. even the right neck of the woods and the ship. there's supposedly a New England Battlegroup out there, and my Dad is getting a Wind Class Icebreaker for christmas (he's in Dudley). I'll be walking him through his build from here in Northern WI.

    I ended up losing my Northampton in my travels (parents moved, ship got lost while I was in Afghanistan), but I still have a lot of the components and found them last fall, leading to me doing a marathon construction on a Texas. The guys on the forum can walk you through everything from a distance (in my case, from Alaska lol), but I would have avoided a lot of missteps if I had somebody nearby to help, so I definitely get where you're coming from.

    There's a section at the bottom of the main page where all of the IRCWCC clubs have their own thread. check it out and try rattling some cages. Worst case Ontario, I'll be visiting my dad and we can have a build party when I do.

    see you on the pond,
  3. Kevin P.

    Kevin P. Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2015
    Chantilly, VA
    Hey Mike,

    I'm from the northshore (Newbury), my parents still live there but I'm in DC now. Dave Simmons has been active recently (made it to an event last year), he lives near Taunton. I can send you his contact info if you would like. Dave was planning to have a pond dug on his property (yes, some of us are kinda crazy). The closest events that typically happen are in upstate NY near Albany, about one to two per year (for a weekend). There was another person from Mass that was interested last year but faded away, I could try to find his info on this site and send it as well to see if you could link up. Help can be provided remotely, this website has a lot of good info. If you check out the build threads section there are several that outline and explain the major steps.

    Hope you decide to pursue the build, but this is a small hobby that usually requires driving a good deal to make it to events

  4. Don Folk

    Don Folk Active Member

    Jul 25, 2018
    Quakertown, PA
    Hey, welcome to the club. I'm down in Quakertown, PA and have a sister whole lives up that way. I too am a returning rookie and am committed to getting on the water. I started building a North Carolina but shelved that for a more reasonably sized Baden. Welcome to the craziness, jump in, the water is warm.

    (hope to meet you in person some day)