Help with my Spektrum DX6i

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by brownjm74, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. brownjm74

    brownjm74 Member

    Mar 21, 2008
    I am working on adding firing buttons on my transmitter (DX6i). I have one of them installed (Bottom, aft cannon) and working on the (Left and Right, port and starboard cannons) fire buttons. This seems to be working so far, however I am looking at my Spektrum DSM2 AR6200 receiver and I am having problems determining which controls operate which servo outputs. I have listed what I know so far. I have no idea which control (on the transmitter) operates the AUX1 output on the receiver. Thanks for the help. Once I get done with the work I will post some photos of the switches added.
    Jeremy B
    Receiver Transmitter Boat Function
    BATT/BIND NA Power Input from Battery
    THRO Up/Down on Left Joystick Boat Forward/Reverse Servo
    AILE Right/Left on Right Joystick Right, Fire Starboard Gun
    Left, Fire Port Gun
    ELEV Up/Down on Right Joystick Down Position, Fire Aft Gun
    Up Position, turn Turret #1 180 degrees (from port to starboard side)
    RUDD Right/Left on Left Joystick Boat Rudder Servo
    GEAR Gear Switch on Left Side, Top Pump & Port/Starboard lights
    AUX1 ???????? Turn Turret #2 180 dirgrees (from starboard to port side)
  2. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Brown, can you describe your ships layout more? It sounds like you've got a pair of rotates up front, and a set of sterns. I think I understand that. What I don't understand is why you want to rotate the two front cannons separately. If they are legally required to be on opposite sides, you only need one rotate function so you don't wind up with them on the same side. If they aren't legally required to be on opposite sides, I would think you'd want to rotate them together, for more concentrated sidemount firepower. Without knowing your specific layout, I can't properly advise you on your controls.
  3. brownjm74

    brownjm74 Member

    Mar 21, 2008
    Kotori87 , I currently using my DX6i for my USS DesMoines however I am also planning for the future(DMK Scharnhorst) since I am working on the transmitter. You have a great idea about moving both of the turrets at the same time, this would be easy to accomplish. I will add both turrets to the ELEV Up Position and that leaves the AUX1 for whatever. Thanks for the ideas. Also I am building MWC so having the two front turrets (one gun each) on the same side is legal.

  4. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    According to the manual found online here:

    Aux 1 is left aileron.

    Dua l Aileron Wing Type Ser vo Connections
    • AILE servo port (right aileron)
    • AUX1 servo port (left aileron)

    Dual Aileron Wing Type Connection
    • RUDD servo port (right V-tail)
    • ELEV servo port (left V-tail)
  5. wrenow

    wrenow RIP

    Jul 30, 2007
    I believe Aux 1 is generally the Flaps switch on the DX6i.
    It becomes left aileron in a particular mix only.

    Of course, the old-school way of figuring this out is to plug servos in to each port and then just fiddling all the switches/knobs to see what each does. ;) Can be dangerous, though, because, if you switch in a mix, you might get different results. :eek:
