HMS Superb

Discussion in 'Warship Builds' started by Gary Powell, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. Gary Powell

    Gary Powell Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2015
    Northern California
    Before she was packed away for a house sale and move, I puled my 1/72 HMS Superb out for a couple photos. This ship was built by long time Queen's Own member Ralph Gibbons from Utah, but he was unable to complete it before he passed away several years ago. The craftsmanship put into this ship does border on Museum Quality. Ralph did a great job building the ship to this point. Dan Rygasewicz purchased it from his widow and brought it back to California and ended up trading it to me for a battle ready combat ship and some gun systems. It will be completed someday, but right now it's more project than I have time for. By the way, that is not a fiberglass hull, it's completely stick built. 20160831_120224_resized_1.jpg 20160831_120154_resized_1.jpg
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2016
    rcaircraftnut, SteveT44 and Beaver like this.
  2. Renodemona

    Renodemona Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
    Reno, NV
    That's QO ship I'd get excited about ;)