how to best waterproof a Futaba FASST Reciever?

Discussion in 'Electrical & Radio' started by Ragresen, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. Ragresen

    Ragresen Member

    Dec 29, 2007
    Ok I have a nice new Radio for my ship and I battle with out water tight boxes. I do this cause they just fail, but I can not do with the Futaba FASST Reciever as I did with the Spektrum Reciever of just potting it in Epoxy. The Reciever on the FASST has a push button between the two Antenna that is used to bind the Reciever to the Radio. With out this button workinmg you will not be able to bind a reciever to thetransmiotter. So the question is how to do this with out killing that button for later use and still have a reciever that will not die after a few dunkings into the water with a sinking ship.
  2. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    can you take a picture of the button?
  3. Ragresen

    Ragresen Member

    Dec 29, 2007
    I will try and get a picture or two up tomorrow.
  4. rarena

    rarena Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2008
    Can you cut the button out, wire in a plug and just plug the button in when you need it? I did that with all the plugs on my receiver using short extensions and sealed the extensions right in with it.
  5. Windrider0275

    Windrider0275 Member

    Nov 7, 2008
    I just got my Futaba FASST too. I used to use the dryboxes in fast gun,and now just Scotchkote the recievers in Big Gun. If you take the bottom of the receiver, simply brush on the electrical coating and let it dry. It works well. All the guys in WWCC have used this for years and it works well for servos too. Pretty simple and easy to waterproof. Just another way to do it and the receiver works great.

  6. wrenow

    wrenow RIP

    Jul 30, 2007
    Jeff Burns, in NTXBG, found this wonderful stuff (3M Scotchkote) years ago and introduced it to the hobby. I seem to recall Been Lee and Rob Wood picking it up from him and trying it out in, what, late 2004? I have used it ever since shortly after Jeff first pointed it out, myself, with great results. Smells bad, is kind of icky, you want to wear gloves when painting it on, as it will stick to your fingers, and looks like a small animal had bowel issues on your circuit board. But it works a champ. Used to be carried at Lowes, in the electrical section. Apparently they have recently dropped it in favor of liquid electrical tape. Scotchkote is NOT the same stuff. You don NOT want liquid electrikecl tape or tool-dip in this application. It will tend to delaminate over time and make things much worse, corrosion wise.

    I have a FASST, several Spektrums, a bunch of Hobby Kings. All Scotchkoted. Take the case apart and Scotchkote it, button and all (for safety, bind it first, of course). The button should still work once the scotchkote is dry, Might be a bit stiffish (though I have had no issues). Take care with the servo pins, or carefully scrape the Scotchkote off of them, so you can get a good connection.

    Scotchkote the bases and tips of the antennas to and over the insulation to prevent water infiltration.

    For servos, Scotchkote the circuit board on the inside, but not the pot or motor (you can coat the motor terminals, of course).
