i gotta idea

Discussion in 'Propaganda' started by DeletedUser, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. DeletedUser

    DeletedUser Guest

    here it is letting people 13 and up play because i want to join but i cant because im only 13 and i cant join my group

    ...............I FEEL LIKE A PIECE OF CRAP BECAUSE OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. JohnmCA72

    JohnmCA72 Member

    Nov 10, 2006
    A club that I used to belong to has had several young members, including at least 1 13-year-old (they tend to not stay that age forever). They're allowed to join, but only if they bring an adult along. It's very good for the club to allow it. I know of one kid who joined, along with his father (there was a provision for Family memberships included everybody in the family for the price of 2, basically), & the kid ended up going off to college at age 18, while his father remained very active in the club.

    So, check with your local club. They might make something like that work for you. In the club I was with, it just needed to be some adult for "supervision" & could technically have been any adult.

    Being 13 isn't so bad, & certainly won't last forever. Enjoy it while you can. It'll be gone before you know it, & someday you may wish you were 13 again!

  3. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Your closest club is GLAS, about 1 hour away. Use the club finder on the main page to find their website. They are a nice group of guys, you'll like them. (I used to battle with them)
  4. specialist

    specialist Active Member

    Apr 23, 2007
    We do have a father-son team that battles quite well in GLAS.

    I don't see anything in the MWC rules that prevents you from battling at age 13.
    You would be a "junior member", but you could battle.
    Age in warship combat is rather unimportant.

    The pond we have been using is in East Lansing, and like Justin said about a hour away.

    Next club activity is "lake day" where we fix up the lake. (pick up bottles, and any wind blown trash, fix holes in bank)
    Pretty much fun in the mud.

    web site:

    We have people from all over Michigan.

    What sort of ship are you looking for? (besides axis)
  5. Craig

    Craig Active Member

    Dec 30, 2006
    Just chiming in from the north in Canada. We have two captains under 10. One has the convoy ship Pundua he is eight. The other is four and has run my Bismarck (running only). The club is presenting him with an unarmed Fletcher. Something for him to try out on his own. We have two fourteen year old members and two more under eighteen. They all can use combat models. However, the difference is our "wiser" members make sure safety first and that they have competent piloting skills before opperating their models in combat. Otherwise they are relegated to convoy duty.

    Good luck Sean. I hope you find a group that you can get involved in. Anything is possible, just don't rush it. You have plenty of time yet to compete in this crazy obsession!
  6. Tugboat

    Tugboat Facilitator RCWC Staff Admiral (Supporter)

    Jan 10, 2007
    Statesboro, GA
    As long as you have an adult with you (typically a parent), I don't know of anything stopping you from battling. At the last fall regional, there were 3 captains under age 12. One Lion, one Invincible, and one WW2 US cruiser.
  7. lalimerulez

    lalimerulez Member

    Apr 23, 2007
    Hey im 13 turning 14 on teh 21 of march. Im aloud to fight in my club. I havent foguht yet though since i dont got a ship yet. If you cant fight just wait and get more info from the site and build up teh money for a ship or get a ship so when your old enough your already to go
  8. DeletedUser

    DeletedUser Guest

    ok ill email one of the guys cause have his email
  9. DeletedUser

    DeletedUser Guest

    i forgot to ask you Justin Scott if you used to battle with them was one of the guys named luis
  10. DeletedUser

    DeletedUser Guest

    lalimerulez im not sure i can battle in my group thoughand i got a ton of money so i can get a ship from someone on this site cuz they my friends
  11. klibben

    klibben Member

    Feb 28, 2007
    I do believe i've battled with Luis before ... from Michigan right?

    I think he came down to Ohio with the Au brothers and Kaz (I probably butchered the spelling on both of those names)
  12. GregMcFadden

    GregMcFadden Facilitator RCWC Staff

    Dec 6, 2006
    We also allow folks under 18 to battle, although we have yet to have anyone under age show up without a parent/representative of said parent. We have actually had a lively discussion on this topic on the RC heli board, and it boiled down to the following: Those under age can not legally consent to our safety rules so their parents/guardians must consent (and generally should/must be there depending on the club).

    There is an additional side of it for us. Many states have age restrictions on the purchase and ownership of BB guns, and while we have not been hassled, our cannons often technically fall under those statutes, and we don't want anyone getting in trouble.

    Being there with your folks is not only good good for a parent-child bonding (and adds the possibility of the parent becoming yet another captain), but it also protects other club members and the underage in our over-lawyered society, which helps keep our relatively tiny hobby legal and unmolested.

    If you are in Washington, I will certainly see you at a battle eventually.
  13. DeletedUser

    DeletedUser Guest

    ok guys so your saying that i can join and klibben luis is from michigan
  14. DeletedUser

    DeletedUser Guest

    man i emailed luis and i think he is very stressed
  15. Knight4hire

    Knight4hire Active Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    You should see the MABG flyer. It has an eight year old launching a boat with his dad.
    We allow younger captains in our group. The only hitch is that anyone under the age of 18 can not captain an "ARMED" boat.
    We endorse family participation. My wife is an active part of the club as well.
    We even had her playing Captain of "MO" at the last sailing!