I'd like to see HOW I could create a fully working Alaska-Class Cruiser from Scratch.

Discussion in 'General' started by MinisterofWatermelons, Mar 14, 2023.

  1. MinisterofWatermelons

    MinisterofWatermelons New Member

    Mar 14, 2023
    (US) NY, LI
    I have no materials, no boats, and no guns. But, I have money and a daring sense of creativity.
    Mostly Money.
    Anyway, I'd like to see how I could create a fully working (this includes the turrets) Alaska-Class Large Cruiser. (with full serious it's called a larger cruiser, not a heavy cruiser. I don't know why.)

    NOW, the reason I say how is because I currently am unable to imminently gather up the funds needed to buy such. This is purely informational. HOWEVER, people that COULD do this, I'd be grateful to know how to communicate with you and would like to know general costs.

    And so, if anyone here whom read this post KNOWS how to do these kinds of things, I URGE you to leave a comment.

    I know almost nothing in this specific field, examples being:
    -1/144th or 1/64th or something in-between
    -The general price of heavy cruisers
    -Shipping Rates
    and so forth.
    Please help me with this! Thanks.
  2. JustinScott

    JustinScott Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2006
    Start with reading the rule set, since you are in NY, I would recommend https://ircwcc.org/

    Then I would join your local club, and attend a battle. This really gives you access to tips that are otherwise not available.

    i would then read through some of the warship builds here on this forum.

    this should give you a pretty good kick-start in the right direction.

  3. Commodore

    Commodore Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    Sunny TX
    What Justin said. And for the sake of your wallet and sanity, start with something else. If you get in touch with your local battlers, there are some fine folks in the Maryland/New Jersey area that would probably just love to help you get started with a cheap, 3D printed beginner boat that will get you on the water and having fun. And with time, you can decide if you want an Alaska or something else instead.
    Boatmeister likes this.
  4. MinisterofWatermelons

    MinisterofWatermelons New Member

    Mar 14, 2023
    (US) NY, LI
    following this, what boat would be a good idea for first purchase, fully built if possible? (furthermore not grinding my wallet into dust: please give general price range)
  5. Kevin P.

    Kevin P. Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2015
    Chantilly, VA
    Reach out to @bsgkid117 and @Justin Ragucci they are located relatively close to you. There is plenty of information within the forums that addresses your question, but it can be difficult to quickly locate the good/current/relevant info and sort it out from the other information. It's best to meet up in person to go through your questions if you're serious about getting involved. Many active folks in the IRCWCC also have loaner ships available if you attend an event and have membership/insurance
  6. Justin Ragucci

    Justin Ragucci Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2018
    Rockaway NJ

    Like @Kevin P. said meeting up in person would be the best thing to do first. I am probably your closest battler since I am located in North Jersey.

    @bsgkid117 is in south Jersey but does have more experience than me in the regards of building a boat from scratch he also is the 3D printed hull guru. So reach out to him if that’s the way you want to go.

    If you would like to see some boats and see what goes into building one I am all for meeting up and showing you the boats I have and you can pick my brain. If you would like to private message me feel free.

    Justin “War Crimes” Ragucci
  7. bsgkid117

    bsgkid117 Vendor

    Feb 8, 2013
    A solid starter boat is something like HMS Invincible, SMS Von Der Tann, USS Des Moines, FN Suffren. Larger cruisers (Suffren/Des Moines) or smaller battlecruisers (Invincible/VDT)

    General price range for these 4 ships, fully built and ready to go, is probably $550-750 ish. The Battlecruiser being slightly more, the cruiser (especially Suffren) being less. More guns = more money.

    I have Invincible 3d printed "ship kits" that I'm in the process of beta testing. An Invincible kit would cost $200, from there you'd be looking at:

    Radio $50
    CO2 regulator $40-50
    CO2 bottle $50
    Cannons (Various cost $10 each -$30-40 each)
    Solenoids ($40 each)
    Firing Boards ($25~ each, 2 required)
    Pump Control ($25-30)
    Pump $30
    Drive motors $5-7 each
    Rudder servo $10~

    And then who knows how much $$ in wire, tubing, fittings, misc hardware, etc.

    I do have a complete traditional build Invincible that I might be willing to part with, its about 90% functional currently. Just needs the guns tweaked out.

    My best advice is to come to a build session or battle, make sure you're really into what we're doing, and drive a boat for a weekend. That way you learn a little about what you may want.
    Justin Ragucci and notSoGnarly like this.