Interested in joining

Discussion in 'Washington Treaty Combat' started by AACadet, Oct 25, 2008.

  1. AACadet

    AACadet New Member

    Oct 25, 2008
    I'm interested in getting into RC naval combat, and I have a few questions. Are Battler's Connection hulls allowed? What is a good ship to start with?
  2. squires

    squires Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    depends where you are and who you plan on joining in with. bests ships to start with are merchants dont have the perzaz of a battleship but they are cheap and easy. not what i am doing though.
  3. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Like squires said, a lot depends on what format you plan to join. Big gun guys will tell you to build some kind of un-armed merchant ships first. Small gun guys will tell you to build a 4 unit battlecruiser first. I agree that you should build some kind of simple warship regardless of the format. You want to be able to shoot at other people (which is why I disagree with the big gun guys who say build unarmed freighters...who watches a video and dreams of themselves being the guy getting sunk...and as an unarmed merchy, you aren't going to sink anyone) but you don't want a ship that's overly complex and hard to maintain either.

    So for small gun, I'd say s 4 unit battlecruiser such as a German Von Der Tann or a British Indefatigable. Medium speed, only 3 cannons to maintain and good maneuverability. For big gun, I'd probably build some kind of small, fast cruiser with fixed stern guns and maybe some torpedo cannons. You'd want something fairly fast, so a Soviet Kirov or a Japanese Mogami would be good choices.
  4. BoomerBoy17

    BoomerBoy17 Active Member

    May 27, 2008
    Yes, tell us where you are, and which format. that would help us, help you
  5. squires

    squires Member

    Oct 19, 2008
    i totally agree with you crzyhawk i am yet to understand why anyone would want to be the target. i think its more big gun want someone to shoot and the more people they con into building little tramp steamers the more targets are sitting on the water.
  6. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Well I understand some of the reasoning, that unarmed ships are simpler then warships...that makes perfect sense to me. I just think that as a group they might (since I am not a big gun guy, i certainly can't speak definitively) be better served by suggesting a simple warship.
  7. AACadet

    AACadet New Member

    Oct 25, 2008
    I'm from Ohio. And I was thinking about the Battler's Connection ship Suffren.
  8. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Ah welcome aboard then. The treaty board is just the place for you since we have a fairly strong presence in Ohio. if you prefer something a little more fast gunnish though, there is the BBS also in Ohio.

    Suffren is a great ship in Treaty. Phil Agnos runs one, and it's a holy terror. It's fast and it turns on a dime, stops, picks it up and makes change. Mike Deskin is the guy to look to in the Ohio area; he's in the Dayton area with several other of our members.
  9. klibben

    klibben Member

    Feb 28, 2007
    Where at in Ohio?

    Unfortunately I think the BBS's battle season has come to a premature end this year due to injuries and whatnot, but I recommend you attend a battle first.

    Treaty probably has a battle or two (maybe three?) left in the year, you might be able to catch up with them.
  10. AACadet

    AACadet New Member

    Oct 25, 2008
    I live in the Akron area. And I take it that Battler's Connection hulls are allowed.
  11. klibben

    klibben Member

    Feb 28, 2007
    Yes, Battlers are allowed (or at least should be, but I guess I'm not up to date on the specific Treaty rules - as I'm in BBS).

    Mikey Deskin (FroggyFrenchman) would be a great person to talk to, but unfortunately he's been really busy at work. (otherwise he normally answers questions on here right away).

    Hopefully Eric or someone else in Ohio here with Treaty can help you out? Crzy and them should know the rules, not sure if they'll know the battle dates and whatnot. The closest Treaty battler near you (that I'm aware of) is Roland Gerrick up in Ravenna, otherwise I believe most of the Treaty players are down south centered around Dayton. They'll got a lovely little battle site in Ravenna but believe they only battle there about once a year.

    Sometimes BBS and Treaty hold battles at the same place, generally down near Newark (where BBS is centered), which would be a bit closer drive for you than Dayton I assume... but doubt they'll be battling there anymore this year since BBS is ending the season.

    If you need help getting ahold of someone feel free to message me and I'll help you out.
  12. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Yes, the battler's connection hulls are legal. Mikey (aka froggyfrenchman here on this board) I believe even has a Suffren hull or two sitting around. We have several BC based ships active in treaty, which includes my own USS Salem built from the Des Moines hull. From what I have heard, the BC Suffren does have too much hull volume and is difficult to get to float on it's scale waterline, but I don't know how true that is.