Japanese Hypothetical ship plans/ questions

Discussion in 'Ship Plans' started by glaizilla, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    Hello everyone, I am wanting to find some hypo ship plans,
    I can not find plans for the Kaga/Tosa class, It looks comparable to a Nagato, only has sheer from the stem all the way to the stern. (forgive me if that is an improper nautical description of the slanting aft of the weather deck)
    Question to those who have more knowledge than myself on the Japanese hypos, the Kii class battleships, and the Amagi class battlecruisers, have nearly the same dimensions, I believe the Kii's are one knot slower, visually any drawings I have found have the Amagi and the Kii's looking identical, can anyone refute or confirm this? If they did resemble each other, than perhaps I can use my Amagi plans to build a Kii? I have found no information other than dimensions and armament of the no-13 class
  2. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    my shopmaster has been researching all of those ships. Remind me to ask him when I go home for Christmas.
  3. Anachronus

    Anachronus Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Natchez, MS
    With the IJN destroying so many of their records at the end of the war, we are lucky that there authoritative plans for any of their ships.
  4. glaizilla

    glaizilla Active Member

    Sep 24, 2010
    I am not sure if there is an interest, or if this site has been previously mentioned. It contains a digital copy of Admiral Hiraga's library,which has a plethora of plans, and pictures of ship models, including Hiraga's planned replacement of the Kongos. I am using plans from this site to complete a Kii that I will be fielding in Treaty format next season.


    It appears that the the last two ships in the Amagi class (Atago, and Takao) had their funnels trunk ed together in a wishbone like shape smiler to the American BB-49 class, the design change from the original two funnel layout coincides with the trials of the Nagato class battleships.

    I was unable to find more information on the Number 13-16 project, their is a 1/700 scale model by Imperial hobby production, but i felt that the ship required more extrapolation and imagination into something the same length as my H-39 with substantially less beam.

    The Kii will be about the same size as the French Richileu class Battleships, slower, but with an extra half unit. I at one point had considered buying a Richileu hull and modifying it's bow to look like one of the Jap BC/BB(s). But a Wooden hull was underway, George Goff has plans for the Amagi's which I am also using in my conjectured Kii build.
    Thanks for all the replyied to the original post.