July Treaty Battle

Discussion in 'Washington Treaty Combat' started by Gettysburg114th, May 27, 2007.

  1. Gettysburg114th

    Gettysburg114th Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    There will be a Treaty battle held in Red Lion, Pa. on July 21st and 22nd with the possibility of Friday the 20th if there is enough interest.
    More info to follow. Directions will be posted on the Treaty site.
  2. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    I will be there with my Strasbourg.
    I hope to be bringing my new project along to show off also.
  3. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Invincible will be there. I may have the Courageous ready as well.

    Mike D
  4. Bob Pottle

    Bob Pottle Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2007
    Halifax, Nova Scotia

    I assume you have one of my rare HMS Courageous hulls. I think I made only 6, of which 2 went to Mike Deskin. Rich Wands of the OAF bought the mold 3years ago but I don't think he's made any hulls yet.

    Before I sold my Courageous model stateside I tried two gun configurations: 1.5 unit side mounts (best), rotating bow turret and dual stern guns. Unfortunately the IRCWCC rules wouldn't allow the two 1.5s, which were used under local rules until NABS members decided to conform to IRCWCC rules completely. How have you set your guns up?

    The other problem with the Courageous was the huge turning circle. The new IRCWCC rules allow a 50% larger rudder which would help a bit.

    Despite the poor R/C combat performance I really like these "large light cruisers" and have almost finished the hull plug for the WWI version of HMS Furious. That model will be a challenge with 2 single gun turrets - under IRCWCC rules it would be restricted to two 50 shot cannons and two pumps, but it can be built as the WWI carrier and the correct 1/144 planes are available.

    NABS is no longer confining members strictly to IRCWCC rules (i.e. hypothetical ships are allowed as in Big Gun, and we have different convoy ship rules) so I expect a proposal to install two 1.5 unit (75 shot) BB cannons as in Courageous will now be acceptable.

    Bob Pottle
    Nova Scotia
  5. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    I actually have YOUR HMS Courageous. It's seen a few owners over the years and is a little worse for wear, but she is still a beautiful ship. I've have had it since 2004. When I got the ship and ran it in 2004, she was set up with a bow rotate and dual sterns. That set up was awful; I could never turn well enough to get the sterns on target, and I was always sandwiched anyways; the Axis was on it like white on rice. It wasn't much fun after a while.

    At the moment, she is set up with 2 50 round sidemounts and a 2 unit pump. I don't know if I will continue to keep two units devoted to pumps, but since I only have 50 round guns at the moment, it should be fine for now. I haven't increased the size of the rudder yet, but I intend to as Treaty allows me to have the extra 50% rudder area as well.

    As sidemount action seems to be the norm under the treaty rules, I not overly concerned with her turning ability. Her 32 knot speed is going to be what saves me...the other Axis capital ships simply won't be able to catch me. My biggest question will probably end up being 75 round guns or 2 pumps. I'll never go back to dual sterns again, I disliked that very much.

    Another nice thing about the treaty set up is that I will be able to rotate both sidemounts if I wish, and eventually intend to do. That will give me alot of flexibility in how to engage an enemy, so I's pretty excited about the fact that I have such a unique ship that should't be quite the "dog" she was in the IRCWCC. We've also got a Renown or two building as well, so if everything works out as anticipated we may actually have a group that enjoys running ships like the large light cruisers, and thus a market for the hulls.

    Mike D