June Treaty/BBS Newark Battle

Discussion in 'Washington Treaty Combat' started by Gettysburg114th, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. Gettysburg114th

    Gettysburg114th Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    Hello all,
    Breaking News!! The Treaty Group will not be able to attend the June Newark battle. There are no Motels available in the area because of a car show. It is also Fathers Day weekend.
    We will be having a Saturday battle here in Red Lion for interested Treaty members.
    The Ohio boys are talking about a build session.
    Sorry to have to announce this,
  2. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    If anyone is interested in attending a build session in Ohio, just let us know.
    We could have a build session in the Cinci area, or the Dayton area. Of course, we could have both this coming weekend if the need is there.
    As for down the road...
    I am hoping that we can schedule at least two build session per month to help others get their ships battle-ready.
  3. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    The Treaty group was invited to attend the BBS battle held this
    weekend in Newark Ohio, and I would have to say that fun was had by all.
    The turn-out was a little on the low side, with 11 boats that I can

    Strasbourg Mikey Treaty
    Suffren Phil A. Treaty
    Gloire Kevin Treaty
    Mogami Lee Treaty

    New Zealand Alan BBS
    Yamato Lee BBS
    SoDak Buddy BBS
    Suzuya Kate BBS
    Scharnhorst WW1 Lee BBS

    Shimikaze Jeff C. Big gun (ran with BBS)
    Mogador Jeff C. Big gun (ran with BBS)

    Bob Spy, and Crispin also attended, and Greg R. was able to drop in for a little while.
    Those that had spare boats to loan, and some that only had one boat,
    that was offered up for loan, carried the day, and fun was had by all.

    The fun started with a BBS battle, with the Shimikaze allowed to re-
    arm her single shot torps, and re-join as often as she could.
    I think it was Lee's Yamato against New Zealand, Suzuya, and Shimikaze.
    Lee was able to hold his own, and spread the damage around on all that
    attacked him, but all present were amazed at the sound of the big gun
    torps on the little jap DD. Most had never experienced a big gun battle.
    Alan bore the brunt of Lee's attack, but held the line.

    When BBS finished up the sortie, the Treaty ships hit the water.
    I think the first battle was my Strasbourg against Suffren, Mogami,
    and Gloire.
    All of the cruisers had a slight speed advantage on my battlecruiser,
    and could also out-turn me, so the drill was that the big Frenchie gets pounded from all sides while trying to bring her sidemounts into play.
    A true exercise in futility on my part, but I think that the cruiser
    skippers liked not being run down by a capitalship with side mounts,
    except when I caught one napping.
    The sortie ended with the cruisers on-five, out of ammo, but able to
    outpace the battlecruiser, which was still carrying plenty of ammo, but couldn't put it to use.

    Then it was time for the BBS second sortie.
    This sortie started off pretty much the same as the first, but the
    Shimikaze ran into trouble, and the Yamato was able to bring her pump
    stream (which was out the stern of the ship) into play, and pretty much hosed the little ship down till she sank. Laughter spread like wildfire.
    New Zealand got too close to the shoreline and struck a rock, and
    developed rudder trouble, but was able to survive.
    I think the Scharnie was also in this sortie, on the side of the
    Yamato, with Crispin, Kevin, or Jeff running her. And the Shimikaze may have had someone else at the controls.

    Next was the Treaty sortie 2.
    After learning in the first sortie that a 31 knot battlecruiser cannot
    chase down 33, and 36 knot cruisers with twin rudders, I tried to let
    the cruisers do most of the attacking early on, and I had more success
    using my stern cannon as my primary weapon, and the sidemounts when the opportunity presented itself.
    I also got some much needed help as Buddy decided to run Kate's Suzuya
    to the Treaty format, and escorted me out this time around.
    At some point, I think the Gloire sank, but not from too much battle
    damage. A pump failure I think was the issue
    Although I still got pounded on from all sides, and was thouroughly
    frustrated at the end of the sortie, when I was again the only one with ammo left, and un-able to bring sidemounts into play against multiple cruisers that were not damaged enough to slow them down to less than my speed, I felt that I had had a better sortie than the first.

    Next was BBS battle 2 (sortie 1).
    Buddy had showed up, and was able to add his SoDak to the festivities,
    and the teams were SoDak, New Zealand, and the big gun Mogador (run by
    Lee), against Yamato (loaned to Crispin), and Scharnie (loaned to Jeff, Kevin, or someone).
    This time the allies pressed the big Jap and tried to get her in a
    sandwich between them, but Crispin was too aloof to get caught by both
    at the same time, and did a good job of defending the Scharnie (which
    got into trouble).
    Lee got into trouble early on, and when the pump failed to come on,
    the little French DD went to Davey Jone's locker.

    Next was Treaty battle 2 (sortie 1).
    I will be honest. I can't recall what the teams were. I might have had
    a cruiser runnng escort with my Strasbourg, but I do recall that I had
    a bunch of fast, well turning cruisers, pounding the stuffing out of me again, and at the end of the sortie, I again had ammo on-board, and
    couldn't find a target for it.

    I am sure that I forgot somethings, but hopefully I didn't forget
    It was great fun, with great folks, with great boats.
    Early on there was talk about mixing the fleets as we didn't have a
    lot of ships from either format, but I for one, have to say that I am
    glad we decided to stick it out, and keep the formats seperate, so that one and all could actually see the various rulesets in action.

    In closing.
    The one thing that got older than having to sit and patch the damage
    from a wolfpack of nimble cruisers that I could never seem to come to
    grips with, was having to listen to Bob Spy (who by some chance just
    happened to always sit near my table) keep mentioning just how much
    damage my battlecruiser was taking from a wolfpack of nimble cruisers,
    that I could never seem to come to grips with.
    And when I would take a moment to wipe my brow, he was always there,
    almost beaming with glee.

    Thanks to all for a great R/C combat experience.
  4. Gettysburg114th

    Gettysburg114th Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    That sounds like it was a blast. Thanks for the info. Looks like cruisers have a a place again in R/C Combat.
    I loved my IJN Myoko.
    El Bob Osan
  5. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Sounds like I missed a great time. Wish I could have been there.

    Mike D
  6. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    Here is a link to a short video segment that Alan created from the Newark battle.

  7. froggyfrenchman

    froggyfrenchman Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    By the way.
    We used the 2" foam this time around for the muzzle velocity test, and it worked out just great.
    I have plenty on-hand for the next few events.