if you go to the RCNC home page and click on "Find a Club", and you'll see that there are clubs based in New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland. I also know that there are some battlers in New Jersey, i just cant remember their names.
I don't know of any big gun clubs in NJ, I think there is one in upstate NY but I don't know anything about it. Big gun doesn't do it for me. (I'm not very useful unless you want fast gun, which happens to be better! )
Not to steer you away from big gun but if you would like to see battling, Oct 18th at my pond IRCWCC style fast gun. Come on up and have a fun day!
I'll see what i have planned that day (the only reason why i want big gun is because it can be any ship as long asit was laid down not lanuched)
There is still a lot of boats that were launched that were cool. If your taste runs to the unique, you will have to scratchbuild anyway. I built a carrier in 144 just cause I liked it. it really doesn't do much battling.
OR come to Greenbriar State Park in Maryland on this coming weekend, Oct 3,4,5 - - - Battles at 10 am and 2pm (IRC fast gun).
Hey boater26 (the only reason why i want big gun is because it can be any ship as long asit was laid down not lanuched) Treaty allows ships that were laid dow and Hypo's. We just use small gun weapons. Thanks,
Why not visit Both a BIG GUN meet and a fast guns, then make your decision. From what I have seen, the main differences between the two is the caliber of the guns, (In Big Guns you can arm every battery over 3", and fire 1/4" ball bearings!)rate of fire and ship speed. In Big guns, the balsa on the hull can be up to 1/8' thick depending on the armor of the actual ship! Last week-end was the last planned meet for the Mid Atlantic Battle Group. (A BIG GUNS Club) From here on it will depend on weather and who happens to be availble until we make the schedule for next season. So please feel free to check out several culbs then join the one where you feel the most comfortable.
Bob from Empire State, and Eric Klevier from CBG are probably your closest Big Gun Groups. I'm sure they would like to hear from you. Post on the yahoo forum through the NTXBG site... and you might roust up some nearby lurkers MABG is now sometimes having meets a little closer to you, but it is still probably a good drive. I'm not as familiar with fast guns... but don't overlook Crazyhawk (Michael Demarco) he seems a very active and ethusiastic fellow near Maryland. Mike Horne