I just recently bought plans for the Arizona and im wondering if there is a guide on how to transfer it to paper for stencils for building, im going to use wood but im just wondering if there is some guide to help me as this is my first time... is there some way a local shop could CNC it?
I am also confused as how I scale and plan out the rib section. as I dont really see anything on the plans that show cutouts for a rib line.
Are the plans digital? Or from a plan book? The plan scale -should- be written on the plan sheet. You can simply convert from X scale to Y scale by doing X/Y= Scale UP or Y/X to scale DOWN (for instance 350 scale to 144 scale = 350/144 = 2.43. So to get 144 scale, you would enlarge the plans by 2.43 or 243%, or 144/350 = .41 or 41% scale down) In order for a CNC shop to cut them, you would need to make a digital copy of the ribs in typically a DXF or DWF file format.
Ok they are scaled correctly. You need to check the print settings. You probably have ‘scale to fit’ checked.
okay, but how do I get it to continue printing the whole plan instead of cutting parts off and not printing those cut off parts?
Since I don’t have the plans I can’t really walk you through how to edit them to make them ‘printable’ on a consumer printer. The only time I have printed rib plans I went to a FedEx Kinkos and had them print off on the plotter.
You would want to take the full size 1/144th plans you got from PM and have someplace like Staples print them out, they have large format printers. Make sure that they understand the document needs to be printed at full size, 100% size, no scaling what-so-ever. As for how to transfer ribs and such to wood for building a ship, check out: https://rcwarshipcombat.com/threads/resources-building-a-wooden-hull.442597/
You will want them printed out for the build anyway, so that would be a good idea. I dont know what their copy protection is or if they have any issue with it. Once they are printed, you can trace the ribs onto graph paper so you have a copy to glue to each rib to cut out.
My Jean Bart build thread (look for the link in my signature below) is also a wooden hull build thread. I didn't take detailed pictures of each and every step, but it might help give you an idea of what you need to do.
I saw on that thread that you had the actual template for tracing the ribs down so you could just copy them off from the paper to the wood is there a way to make that or should I contact the plane maker and ask for those files? because the coner has a little info on the ribs but its very confusing o the outline its just a bunch of curvy lines.
also im going to do the print online and pick it up what size should I have it printed on? 36''x 48''?
I drew that all up in Fusion 360 based on a digital .pdf copy of the plans. Basically, I did what Mike Mangus and Clark Ward showed in the "How to do a wooden ship" threads I linked for you above, but I did it on the computer to skip the pencil + tracing paper. Then I just printed those templates instead of printing the actual plans, tracing the ribs and such onto tracing paper, cutting out tracing paper and gluing it to ribs. The "rib drawing" or frame drawing of the ship is half looking from the front, half looking from the back. Because the ship is symmetrical, you can just mirror the ribs to get the whole shape. Basically, the concept works like this: Your ribs will be as thick as the wood you are using. So 1/4" for most boats. Get some tracing paper. Fold it in half. Line up the fold you made with the centerline on the frame drawing. Then, trace the first line. Measure in, towards the fold, and draw the same line again however "deep" into the boat you want the ribs to be. Say 3/8-1/2" Flip your tracing paper over and trace the lines you just drew onto the other side of the tracing paper, voila, you have 1 rib drawn out.