Kotori87 submitted a new resource: Low Profile cannons - A compacted, low-profile cannon intended for places where a BIC just won't fit side-by-side comparison between LPC and BIC profile: Read more about this resource...
Very cool. I'm looking forward to playing with this. BTW, I find that using a NPT tap to clean up the threads is easier than trying to get the printer to make the threads perfect.
I generally concur - cleaning up the threads with a tap is preferred, and that still has to happen with the low profile cannon. However, the 1/8NPT thread at the bottom is tapered, and Fusion 360 chose the narrowest possible section of taper for the mesh. So when I printed it at 100% scale, my tap would not fit, and tore up the threads instead.
Kotori87 updated Low Profile cannons with a new update entry: LPC Looser Coil Read the rest of this update entry...