Just about done with my new Lutzow. My goal is to have it done by our first battle, this Sunday. I think I'll be able to get it done.
Do you have cannons yet, or do you want me to bring some? edit: NVM I just saw your email. I'll get you hooked up.
I just uploaded some to the resources section. They'll be there as soon as the powers that be approve them.
I’m resheeting the Lutzow because I did such a bad job the first time. It’s only got through half the season. this time I went with the contact cement method and followed the how to on the IRCWCC site. words just can’t express how easy that was!! I think I did the entire ship in about 1/4 of the time as the first sheeting job with CA glue. The only time I had to cut the lengths shorter was at the end of the ship and to make a seem in the middle of a rib. just wow!!!