Mogami class cruisers

Discussion in 'General' started by crzyhawk, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Hey Kenny, got a question for you on your Kumano. I'm curious as to how well it turns, in comparison with your old Augusta. I know the Kumano is a bit longer, but its got the dual rudders. So whats her performance like? I think you mentioned in another thread there was a Suzuya in your club as well, so I figured that you'd have a good idea of how well the Mogami class ships stack up to the Allied Northampton class for combat purposes.


    Mike D
  2. klibben

    klibben Member

    Feb 28, 2007
    Well personally i think the Mogami's turn better ... true they are longer but the dual rudder definently helps.

    Northhamptons, or at least my Augusta, were a bit too wide of a turn for me, by the time i turned around the batteship was waiting for me ... with the Mogami's i can turn in circles around battleships. Battleships may outturn me, but not fast enough ... i can usually get away before they train their guns on me.

    I've never battled my Kumano yet ... i've only done trial runs on it, and when i did those the water was choppy so i didn't turn fast or hard as i didn't want to risk capsizing. However i have run the Suzuya in a battle before, and i've watched it plenty too, she works wonders .... she's in and out and doing circles around everyone else. The plus side as well is that they sit low in the water. Over half the hits the Suzuya takes are on the deck if i recall correctly ... the Kumano sits a bit higher as she was bulked up after the first 3 Mogami's had trouble in their sea trials (but those problems obviously dont plague a Mogami in our hobby) ... The Kumano still sits lower than the Augusta tho, and she's better looking! haha.

    But yeah, the dual rudders DEFINENTLY help, especially on a flat pond. If you choose one or the other, i would highly recommend the Mogamis.
  3. crzyhawk

    crzyhawk Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2007
    Alexandria, VA
    Cool, thanks. I've never seen a Mogami on the water before, and I was kinda hoping to get an idea of what the competition would be like. I'm assuming my Pensacola-class USS Salt Lake City turns similar to a Northampton (although she's shorter, so maybe a bit tighter tactical diameter). I'm hoping someone in treaty builds some IJN cruisers so I dont have to fight only German panzershiffs all the time.

    Mike D
  4. Kotori87

    Kotori87 Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2006
    Have you ever seen a Mogami UNDER the water!?

    That particular Mogami was built for Big Gun combat, with three torpedoes per side and a bunch of swampy-style bb cannons in the mains. It was recently rebuilt, reducing the bb armament but greatly improving weight distribution. The Mogami can now almost match my Spahkreuzer, a shorter ship with three rudders.
  5. klibben

    klibben Member

    Feb 28, 2007
    yeah, mine was built for big gun as well.... kinda pain cuz i had to rip-out the torpedo re-enforcements and strip all the balsa out as it was the wrong size for fast gun.