Mortally wounded and sinking, HMS Rodney desperately lashes out at the Italian cruiser Di Giussano in an attempt to bring it down with her… In back yards and ponds across the world, gun-armed warships the past battle each other for dominance of the high seas… Only you hold the balance in your hands! "R/C Naval Combat" is a scale simulation of naval combat. Custom-built, radio-controlled fighting model warships from the early 20th Century are pitted against each other in ponds, streams, and lakes all over the Michigan! How big are they? Each ship is bound to the design of its full scale counter part. If the original ship was small and fast so will be the model. Battleships can be as large as 6ft x 60lbs! Some destroyers are smaller than 2ft x 2lbs! Do they really sink? YES!! the ships sail, YES!! the ships shoot, YES!! the ships get damaged, YES!! the ships sink, YES!! they are recovered and easily repaired afterwards. How do I get involved? Visit one of our battles! Visit this site Visit this site
Looks a little better in a word document... What do you think? Any recommended changes? Come on John.. This is your specialty!
Might want to change things so you say YES the ships sail, YES the ships shoot, YES the ships get damaged, YES the ships sink, YES they are recovered and easily repaired afterwards. The biggest comment I get on my YouTube videos is "Gee, that looks like fun, but I wouldn't want to put in all that effort building a ship just to have it lost in its first engagement." Make sure that people know the ships are recovered and repaired afterwards. You might also want to include a photo of a ship sinking, and a photo of a ship being recovered. Other than that, it looks great. Good luck with your recruiting!
Good Idea! I plan on swaping the flyers every week with a new one... That way people will see a progression of the best elements of the hobby & hopefully look forward to seeing the next one.. I'm also posting it in my work's bulletin board; so a lot of people will see it as they go to lunch.
You make a good point. We need a better way to store our data files. When I create the newsletter section in the next 2 weeks; I will create a files system too. I will then add this to it.
I posted the flyer last night after work... The bottom had "tabs" with my contact info & this website so people rip off to take with them. It had 7 tabs to start with; when I came back today at lunch, all but 2 "tabs" were gone! Sounds like good product placement. We will see if those hopefuls "pan-out".
If it is available in word, then I could change the contact information to my own and post it in my area. That would be most useful here
And it did. I had it posted for 1 day total... I checked it in the morning, several "contact tabs" were missing I checked it again at lunch, over 1/2 were gone I checked it again when I went home, all the tabs were gone. I check it again today at lunch, the whole poster was gone!! [8D] I figure I'll make them sweat ("I missed my chance") today; & post a new one tonight. --->What do you think? An entirely new poster or post the same one again?
hmmmm, normally i would say new, but they probably noticed this one is gone..... it might catch their attention if they see the same one back up there (if they were hoping to get a tab and didn't) ... whereas they may not notice an entirely new one if just passing by and not scanning the board thoroughly.
That's what I was thinking. I wanted to create a new one every week / 2 weeks to show different aspects of the hobby (& show off the best of the best photo gallery's photos)... Any one else?