my First Ship 3D stage

Discussion in 'Construction' started by wfirebaugh, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. wfirebaugh

    wfirebaugh Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    El Paso Texas, USA
    I'm using Delft Ship someone was recommending this program in another thread, so this is my 3D stage to get the lines right before I try to produce a hull the online drawings aren't great but there are worse ships to try and find Free drawings for it seems. I have the over all shape from a side profile. Right now I am concentrating on the rear shape of the ship in one forums one person was having troubble 3Ding the back half of the Bismarck so I figured I would start at what seemed to another to be the hardest part. I was wondering what people thought about if I'm on the right track. I am still tweaking the back half but over all I'm satisfied. ruff outline for the front not worked on the shape yet.

    I cant seem to place Pic's here so I'm placing links to Photobucket let me know what you think and or if you have better drawings to work from.